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Generation Iron Kai Greene 4 Weeks Out Mr. Olympia

Generation Iron Kai Greene 4 Weeks Out Mr. Olympia

The Predator is ready to pounce.

The biggest bodybuilding competition of the year is just around the corner. The 2015 Mr. Olympia competition is sure to be one of the most impressive events in recent memory. The athletes are primed and ready to unveil their physiques after a lengthy off season. Since 2014, a few big revelations have occurred that has made things interesting leading into the 2015 event. For one, a new contender has emerged, a man that many fans knew would be an eventual championship threat.

Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay has proven himself to be the prodigy that everyone thought he would be when he first burst onto the scene. Big Ramy looked impressive at the Arnold Classic Brazil this year and absolutely crushed the competition with a mix of size, proportion, and surprising championship poise. The mammoth bodybuilder will no doubt be a live underdog heading into this years Olympia event.


But Big Ramy isn’t the only threat to Phil Heath’s title reign. In recent years it’s become apparent that an Olympia event just isn’t the same without the presence of the one man that has been a constant threat to the reigning champ. Kai Greene is always impressive when he hits the stage and if his 2014 showing was any indication then fans can be assured that “The Predator” will be bringing his very best to the stage this year. Many fans and onlookers believed that he deserved to take the top spot last year, but despite coming up short Kai will have the opportunity to rectify things and redeem himself this year.

With only four weeks left until the competition many bodybuilders are fine tuning their physiques behind closed doors. But it seems like Kai’s confidence is at an all time high as he unveiled his physique in a recent guest posing. Take a look at Kai Greene just four weeks out!

Do you think Kai can take the top spot this year? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron CT Fletcher Youtube Bodybuilders

Generation Iron CT Fletcher Youtube Bodybuilders

Get pumped right on the internet.

Whether it’s for laughs, advice, or pure motivation – each of these YouTube phenoms share their own unique spin for any athlete or fitness junkie. Take a look at our top five picks of bodybuilding Youtube channels you must subscribe to. Seriously, why are you still reading this. Check them out right now.

#5. BroscienceLife (938k subscribers & 82 million views)

We all need a good laugh now and then and BroScienceLife offers that up in spades. There’s no doubt that the philosophies of Dom Mazzetti will spark some interest in many bodybuilders and offer up some laughs while he goofs off in the gym. Check out his philosophical viewpoint on crossfit below.


Generation Iron Bikini Diaries Competition Prep

The Body Bawse is ready to take the stage again.

In this week’s Bikini Diaries, Krystal Lavenne gives us an inside look at the final days before her next big NPC competition this weekend. Every second, set, and rep counts as she preps to cut down in the last moments before the hot lights reign down on the stage and she battles it out against the other bikini competitors. Check it out in the video above!

Make sure to subscribe to our official YouTube channel for updates on our latest and greatest videos. Stay pumped and wish Krystal luck on her competition this weekend!

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Generation Iron Jose Raymond Pro Cards

Generation Iron Jose Raymond Pro Cards

Are there too many IFBB Pros out there today?

When it comes to competing in any athletic endeavor there’s no doubt that a certain amount of pain and sacrifice has to be doled out. When competing professionally there’s no doubt that those elements are heightened ten fold. There’s a big difference between training in the gym for everyday aesthetics and actually prepping to get stage ready.

Bodybuilding is all about being meticulous, about adhering to a strict program in order to see the best results. If you have hopes of winning a major competition then it means you have to put your best foot forward, train hard, and diet like a madman.


But now with the inclusion of so many new divisions such as physique, fitness, and figure – there seems to be a few pros out there that believe getting a pro card is easier than ever. Gone are the days when the IFBB pro card was something mythic… a true testament to surpassing unreal challenges among the masses. Some even believe many of the new bodybuilders entering into the pro ranks have been given a far easier road than those who came before them. It’s controversial to say the least, but not something completely unfounded.

Jose Raymond is a competitor in the 212 division with a great deal of promise. The bodybuilder has accomplished a great deal during his IFBB career and as the 2015 Olympia approaches, the 212 standout has a lot on his mind. Muscular Development caught up with Raymond to tackle the issue of the ease in which new pros are receiving their pro cards:

“I’m not even 40, but I come from a different time/era. Being an IFBB Pro used to mean something. It was a title to be respected and earned. Today it seems like everyone and anyone has it in front of their name on Facebook, and I’ve never even heard of half of them. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a hater and I’m happy they have reached a goal, but how satisfying was it really to get it after only one or two years of competing or in some cases in their second show ever? There used to be a pecking order where you were groomed and forced to “pay your dues.” By the time one turned pro, everybody knew your name already and that included men’s and women’s bodybuilding, Fitness and even the early days of Figure. Today I have no clue who most of these pros are or even what division they compete in. Still, I congratulate them on their achievements. I just personally wouldn’t get overly excited about something that 55 other people also achieved that same day in the same show!”

Jose Raymond speaking with MD.

What do you think? Do bodybuilders have easy go of it these days? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron GI Weekly CT Fletcher

We command you to try and not be motivated.

September 18th is going to be one hell of an exciting day. Not only will the Mr. Olympia competition be in full swing but it’s also the release of our new feature length film, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession. Soon you’ll be able to see the true man behind the motivation – behind the ISYMFS; behind the “I COMMAND YOU TO GROW!” intensity… a real look into what makes CT Fletcher tick. But while you wait, we decided to remind you all about the most bad ass and motivational moments that CT Fletcher has ever put to YouTube. If one video is enough to light a fire under your ass – just wait until you see all five of these clips! Catch it all in the video above.

You can pre order CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession today at a special pre order only deal for $9.99. Reserve your digital copy right here! You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on our latest and greatest videos including sneak peaks of the upcoming film. Stay pumped.

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Generation Iron CJ Cummings

Generation Iron CJ Cummings

CJ Cummings could be a future Olympic lifting champion.

Bodybuilding is all about putting up weights, having a strict diet, and remaining dedicated to your overall goal. When it comes to competitive bodybuilding, all of that is ramped up to the next level. Competitive weightlifting is an endeavor that’s pretty similar to bodybuilding as well. It requires a pretty high level of dedication as well, except the focus is on building strength rather than just building muscle.

One of the major differences between competitive bodybuilding and weightlifting events like Olympic Lifting is that one has a much longer road until true greatness can be attained. Bodybuilding is all about building up muscle maturity, constantly improving your body until you’re stage ready. But true achievement in bodybuilding can take a great deal of years until you’re able to compete on a professional stage. Until obtaining a pro card, most amateur bodybuilders are looked on as impressive prospects that could go far.


Olympic lifting in contrast can produce stars at almost any age. Since the sport is focused on building strength rather than building muscle, the focus is completely different. The time it takes for an individual to build some impressive strength can come about as early as their teen years while most bodybuilders don’t begin to make major development until they reach into their twenties.

For instance, take CJ Cummings, a fifteen year old Olympic lifter that looks to be on the road to greatness. The numbers he’s able to put up at his age are pretty rare and remarkable. Recently the teenage Olympic lifter had an impressive showing that proved that great strength can be attained even at an early age. Cummings is putting up numbers that are more impressive than many long time lifter’s personal bests. Take a look.

Are you impressed with CJ Cummings’ feat of strength? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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Generation Iron Knife Proof Abs

Generation Iron Knife Proof Abs

Knives. His only weakness.

This one actually happened a few months ago – but it’s starting to make rounds around the internet now and is so ridiculous that we can’t not talk about it. Look, we all like to use big words when it comes to our gains: massive, mammoth, rock-hard, impenitrable… it helps explain how powerful we feel after lifting some heavy-ass weights and getting that pump. But the truth is we are NOT inpenitrible no matter how strong we may feel or even look.

But it looks like someone didn’t get the memo. On February 15th, a Russian bodybuilder was critically stabbed right in the gut by a party guest after claiming he has “knife-proof abs” that couldn’t be penetrated. The Russian Interior Ministry reported:

“The owner of the home got a big kitchen knife and asked his guest to stab him in the stomach. [The guest] refused at first, saying he was afraid he would kill the host. However, the host said that in his childhood he was involved in martial arts and the knife could not penetrate his abs.”

A stab and a bunch of blood later, the bodybuilder was rushed to the hospital and treated for the wounds. Needless to say a good amount of alcohol was probably thrown in the mix during this wonderful decision making process – but let this be a lesson to all bodybuilders. We may be massive but there’s a fine line between a bodybuilder and Superman – even if the two kind of look similar.

Generation Iron knife bodybuilder


Does Calum Von Moger’s Latest Physique Put All Bodybuilders To Shame?

Generation Iron Calum Von Moger Physique

Does Calum hold up against the current IFBB champs?

The secret is out, Calum Von Moger is a beast. The Australian bodybuilder has often times been called Arnold 2.0 and with good reason. Besides resembling Arnold Schwarzenegger, he has a physique very similar to that of the Austrian Oak in his prime. Now a 2x WFF Universe champion – Calum isn’t messing around in making a name for himself. If you haven’t seen the man’s progress pics this year then check out this recent photo of the reigning champ.

generation iron

It’s the kind of classic aesthetic that calls back to the golden age of bodybuilding, the kind of physique that Arnold Schwarzenegger has been wishing would be highlighted more. It begs the question, is Von Moger’s physique impressive enough for the Olympia stage? Granted he’s not as large as competitors like Phil Heath, Branch Warren, or Kai Greene, but it’s pretty evident that Calum has a great physique.

Though many will probably proclaim that Von Moger is too small or that he can’t compare to the pros in IFBB, the argument can be made that smaller men have gone on to win the Mr. Olympia event. Frank Zane is instantly a name that comes to mind as a bodybuilder with a smaller physical form that was able to dominate the competition with his symmetry, posing, and stage presence, not to mention being completely shredded. If you add that to the fact that Calum is a larger man than Zane was, we can definitely see a argument being made that the Australian stand out could at least have a decent showing at the Olympia.

So what’s your opinion on Calum Von Moger? Do you think he’d have what it takes to do well on the Olympia stage? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


The Truth About Nutrient Timing

Generation Iron Nutrient Timing

Does it matter what time you consume your post workout?

Many fitness gurus out there want to tell you about the benefits of nutrient timing, that consuming certain macros at certain times of the day are critical for losing body fat and gaining muscle. There are advocates of consuming most of the days calories during the morning while the opposing camp states that eating a big dinner later in the evening is the key to getting the results you seek. But really, which school of thought should you be listening to?

We’ve all heard it before. When it comes to building and maintaining muscle after a tough workout you have to be sure to have great post workout nutrition. That’s very true. It’s not like you can lift hard in the gym then rush home, have a bowl of ice cream, and think you’re going to be making some major gains. It’s just not going to happen no matter how hard you train. But besides the obvious fact that having a fattening snack after training would pack on the fat, the notion of the Anabolic Window has been ever present.

The Anabolic Window can be defined as the time after training where the body craves nutrients, consumption of these particular nutrients ensuring that the body will make the adequate muscle gains. The time of that window? It was originally estimated at 30-45 minutes after completing your training. With such a small window – you had to come to the gym well prepared with a protein shake ready made so that you didn’t miss out on the window of opportunity to make the best gains.

It’s not necessary to consume that protein shake directly after training. The theory behind the whole nutrient timing thought process is actually from a study years ago that delaying consumption of fast burning carbohydrates after a workout resulted in less glycogen re-synthesis. So the theory of consuming your nutrients within an hour of completing your workout was born. Subsequent studies have debunct this theory, but it has still managed to survive to this day.

So is nutrient timing truly useless? Find out on page 2!


Generation Iron Rock Solid Advice

Generation Iron Rock Solid Advice

Rock & A Hard Place…

The above is the name of HBO’s new documentary series starring The People’s Champ (now the champion of wayward youth) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. In the series follow the emotional journey of juvenile offenders as they go through a six month scared straight style program at the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Program, equipped with drill instructors and all. Throughout the show The Rock mentors the  youth with life knowledge as well as some hard knock stories of his own…

“I got in trouble a lot when I was younger. By the time I was 16, I had been arrested eight or nine times for a variety of things, terrible things that I shouldn’??t have been doing. But I had people in my life who saw the potential in me when I didn?’t see it. Much later in life, once I got out of college, I started to understand the power of seeing your potential and what that means,”The Rock

WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco On August 17th, 2015 the youth offenders graduated and The Rock led the reception like a proud father. I don’t know about you guys but I think this one has potential. I mean think about it, scared straight on HBO…If Game of Thrones is any indication things could get very raw very quickly. Check out the Instagram Photos below to get more deets on the show and Rocky’s thoughts on the prison system.


Big day today… 6 months ago these youth offenders all faced prison time anywhere from 5yrs to life for a variety of crimes ranging from armed robbery to attempted murder. In front of the judge on the day of their sentencing they accepted to be placed in an extremely hardcore one of kind bootcamp. I gave them my word on their first night that would be broken down in ways they never knew imaginable… but if they stuck with it and didn’t quit, they’d be built back up to become better men. That was 6 months ago. TODAY, in front of their families, drill instructors and judges they graduate and become free men. Stronger men. Better men. I’m very proud to show the world how impactful this one of a kind Dade County Bootcamp Program is and more importantly, proud to show the world how the lives of these young offenders matter. It’s your day men. Let’s graduate and have a lil’ fun. You’ve earned it! See you in a few hours. #DadeCounty #DeptOfCorrections #BootCamp #SevenBucksProds #HBO #RockAndAHardPlace #ChangeIsReal A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

A powerful thing happened today… The rate of recidivism in the U.S. prison system is over 70%. Meaning over 70% of inmates released from prison will commit a crime and return back to prison. Staggering. Here in Miami, we have one of the most hard core and unrelenting bootcamp prisons in the world. And our rate of recidivism is 8%. EIGHT PERCENT. I told these young men 6 months ago when they first arrived that the life they once knew, was over. That they would get broken down to their core – physically and mentally in ways they never imagined – but I also told them they would never break. Big difference. They never broke and today they graduate and become free men. Better men. Very proud of this program, its staff and the impact it has on our prison system and more importantly, caring about young lives that matter. Congratulations men. Just like we talked about.. be a leader, be disciplined and earn that respect. It’s all up to you. #DadeCounty #BootCamp #Graduation #AGreatDay

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

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