Mark Wahlberg pushes through a grueling leg day workout with Bulgarian split squats.
Popular veteran actor Mark Wahlberg recently tested his leg strength with Bulgarian split squats. The 51-year-old actor has always taken his fitness seriously and this recent training shows that he has plenty left in the tank.
As men age maintaining the same level of muscle mass present in their youth is an uphill battle. As such adhering to the right training program is paramount for men to not only maintain but even build muscle in their advanced age. Building and maintaining leg strength is also important for men of advanced age. There’s no room for skipping leg day as you get older. Looking to maintain his hard-earned gains, Mark Wahlberg has decided to challenge himself with Bulgarian split squats at age 51.
Always one to push his physical limits, Mark Wahlberg has stayed in tremendous shape throughout his life. Wahlberg, like other celebrities like The Rock, is equal parts actor and athlete. Never content to just play it safe with his training, Wahlberg is always taking his training to the next level. Even in his advanced age, Wahlberg has managed to maintain an incredible physique. He has been strict with his diet and nutrition which has certainly helped him remain strong and in great condition.
Mark Wahlberg has utilized a variety of different methods to keep himself in shape. The actor has become known for his 4 AM training sessions. If you want to be in top form you have to be comfortable doing the things no one else is willing to do. That kind of mindset has helped Wahlberg remain in incredible shape. Even in his 50s, Wahlberg is in better shape than many men in their prime.
A Trip to Bulgaria
Looking to once again test himself, Mark Wahlberg recently pushed himself during his leg day routine. The 51-year-old actor recently pushed through a grueling Bulgarian split squat routine.
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If Mark Wahlberg keeps this up it would come as no surprise if he maintained this level of physique even into his 60s.
What do you think about Mark Wahlberg and his leg day routine?
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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.