Ronnie Coleman Reveals Who Handed Him His Most Bitter Loss

Ronnie Coleman talks about his most bitter loss.

When it comes to competitive bodybuilding you’re defined not only by your victories, but by your defeats as well. Even the best of the best have losses in their chosen field of competitive athletics.

While many may believe that the best of the best have it all and wish they could be where they are now, the reality is that those who sit atop the mountain have faced their fair share of adversity on their way to dominance.

Even Ronnie Coleman has faced adversity during his storied career.

The Ronnie Coleman that many people think of is the one that dominated the bodybuilding scene for eight straight years, tying Lee Haney for the longest reigning Olympia champion in history. A nigh unbeatable force that almost every bodybuilder feared to go up against during his heyday.

But Ronnie Coleman wasn’t always the dominant Olympia champion we know today. He took his fair share of losses while he made his way up the competitive bodybuilding latter. His most embarrassing defeat came at the hands of a pretty well known bodybuilder who has a penchant for being brash and outspoken.

“My most painful [loss] was losing to Lee Priest.”

In an interview with Patrick Bet-David of Valuetainment, Ronnie Coleman revealed that losing to Lee Priest back in the day hurt so much because he was a “little guy”, which made the defeat all the more depressing. In fact, Ronnie Coleman has lost five times to the Australian bodybuilder, each defeat more bitter than the one before it.

You can’t win them all, not even an eight-time Mr. Olympia.

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Jacob Ladon
Jacob Ladon is a staff writer and former amateur bodybuilder. He has been passionate about bodybuilding since he was 15 years old and discovered the joys of training in the gym. He reports and comments on all bodybuilding related matters.