Ryan Terry’s 7 Day Workout Routine and Diet for a 4 Month Prep

Coming back to defend the title

After a quality and unforgettable 2023 bodybuilding season, the reigning Men’s Physique Olympia champion and three-time Men’s Physique Arnold Classic winner Ryan Terry is gearing up to defend his Mr. Olympia title. With his disciplined approach and unwavering dedication, Terry is set to inspire many aspiring bodybuilders as he shares his journey and strategies for the 2024 Olympia.

On June 19, 2024, Terry shared valuable insights on excelling in bodybuilding and revealed his preparation strategy for the 2024 Olympia. 

Let’s take an in depth look at his tips and techniques below, courtesy of the NH Talkshow YouTube channel.

Ryan Terry’s 2024 Olympia Prep

ryan terry olympia
Image courtesy of Instagram (mrolympiallc)

The reigning Men’s Physique Olympia champion began his competition preparation in the United Kingdom sixteen weeks before the 2024 Olympia. He committed to a strict four-month diet leading up to the competition, highlighting how dieting became a significant part of his routine for most of the previous year.

“Last year, I won the 2023 New York Pro and the Olympia at different times throughout the year. I was dieting for most of the year, which I enjoy. I love being in prep, immersed in the industry. Taking time off this year has really been tough,” Terry expressed. “I want to be back in prep, to be hurting… in the trenches, and get back on stage.”

Terry’s approach to dieting is meticulous. He follows a well-structured meal plan that ensures he gets the right balance of macronutrients and micronutrients. His diet is high in protein to support muscle growth and repair, moderate in carbohydrates to fuel his intense workouts, and includes healthy fats to maintain overall health. He also emphasizes the importance of hydration, drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep his body functioning optimally.

Training Regimen

Ryan Terry is motivated to intensify his training even during low-energy moments, which can often occur during a bodybuilding prep. His strategies for maintaining focus and operating at peak performance come from his desire to be the best in the world. He believes in the power of a strong mindset and often uses visualization techniques to keep himself motivated, something reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s visualization methods.

“I used to play mind games with myself, asking, ‘Is that guy working harder than you? That guy wants it more,’” Terry explained. “If you’re not giving 100 percent in gym sessions, missing meals, or cheat eating, then you don’t want it as much as somebody else.”

Terry remains dedicated to his training regimen year-round, working out for an hour daily, seven days a week. Some may say that he is overtraining and just doing junk volume, but his physique is almost unmatched. He listens to his body, resting when necessary, especially during the off-season, allowing for longer rest periods and avoiding heavy lifting. This approach aligns with studies suggesting bodybuilders benefit from extended rest intervals during training.

“The only reason I train every day is because mentally I want to,” Terry shared. “It makes me feel good. I started training for that feeling, to feel good about myself. If I’m tired and exhausted and my body tells me I need a rest, I’ll take it. But that one hour each day in the gym makes me feel good. I switch off from the stresses of my life… I’m just at one with the weight. I train seven days a week.”

Ryan Terry’s Diet & Training

Terry incorporates intensive volume training with heavy weights across two sessions, using drop sets, supersets, and giant sets to maximize workout efficiency. His training sessions are meticulously planned to ensure he targets all muscle groups effectively. He believes in the importance of variety in his workouts to prevent plateaus and keep his muscles constantly challenged.

He dedicates thirty minutes to cardio and core exercises, something that is a common strategy among competitive bodybuilders during pre-season to improve body composition. Terry concludes with a weight training session in the evening.

In addition to his physical training, Terry also focuses on recovery. He understands the importance of giving his muscles time to repair and grow. His recovery routine includes adequate sleep, stretching, foam rolling, and occasional massages. He also uses supplements like protein powders, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), and vitamins to support his training and recovery.

Mental Preparation

Mental preparation is a crucial aspect of Terry’s training. He practices mindfulness and meditation to stay focused and reduce stress. Terry believes that a calm and focused mind is as important as a strong body in competitive bodybuilding.

“Bodybuilding is as much a mental game as it is a physical one,” Terry explained. “Staying focused, managing stress, and keeping a positive mindset can make all the difference in your performance.”

The Pressure of the Olympia Stage

Ryan Terry acknowledges that the Men’s Physique Olympia represents the pinnacle of male bodybuilding for the division, attracting millions of competitors worldwide. Its popularity demands extensive planning and preparation for anyone aspiring to compete. The stage is a platform where the best physiques in the world are showcased, and the competition is fierce.

Terry accepts the immense pressure of defending his Olympia title and is confident in his ability to do so successfully. He thrives under pressure and uses it as motivation to push himself harder.

“I know I’ve got a massive target on my back,” Terry explained. “I’ve got over a million people wanting to take my title. There comes a lot of pressure with that, but it’s good pressure.”

Ryan Terry’s Future

Beyond the 2024 Olympia, Terry has his sights set on continuing his legacy in the bodybuilding world. He aims to inspire the next generation of bodybuilders and contribute to the sport’s growth. Terry plans to share more of his knowledge and experience through seminars, training programs, and social media.

“I want to give back to the bodybuilding community,” Terry said. “I’ve learned so much over the years, and I want to share that knowledge to help others achieve their goals.”

For more updates, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Dylan Wolf
I work mainly in content writing, focusing my free time on bodybuilding and strength sports. I was introduced to fitness in high school and after watching Generation Iron movies. I love to train. I have competed multiple times, even winning a junior title in classic physique. I have a bachelor's in criminal justice and business obtained through Alvernia University. When I am not focused on work or training, I enjoy watching films or reading about anything and everything.