Steve Kuclo Does Monstrous Leg Day 5 Weeks Out From 2022 Arnold Classic

Steve Kuclo looks monstrous weeks out from the Arnold Classic.

Steve Kuclo is looking monstrous 5 weeks out from the 2022 Arnold Classic. The talented veteran bodybuilder still has plenty left in the tank and a recent training video posted to his Instagram page shows Kuclo is in top form ahead of the event.

The 2022 Arnold Classic is shaping up to be quite the event. The show promises to feature some of the best and brightest in the bodybuilding world. With the return of Cedric McMillan and William Bonac to the stage, two Arnold Classic champions, is sure to be quite a treat for the fans. But besides these stellar champions, we’ll get to see some other very talented bodybuilders take to the stage as well. One of those bodybuilders is Steve Kuclo.

Steve Kuclo has still shown some incredible potential in recent competitions. He impressed at the 2021 Texas Pro as well as the 2021 Arnold Classic. While he was unable to win at both shows he was able to showcase just how impressive his physique is and how much he has left in the tank.

As he preps for the 2022 Arnold Classic it’s clear that Steve Kuclo is still in fighting shape. He looks truly impressive and will no doubt give the other competitors, including former champions Cedric McMillan and William Bonac.

Monstrous Leg Day

In the Instagram post below, Steve Kuclo breaks down his leg day training in detail. The talented bodybuilder has shown massive legs during his career and his wheels just keep on improving.

???? & ???? of leg day

All exercises are 4 sets 10 reps

Heavy Pendulum squat (got 8 reps)

Heavy lying leg curl

Other exercises:

Horizontal leg press

Leg extension

Seated leg curl

Walking dumbbell lunges


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5 weeks out from the 2022 Arnold Classic Steve Kuclo isn’t just hitting the weights. The bodybuilder is also pushing his cardio and hoping to improve his athleticism as well. Kuclo hit a Rogue air bike and pushed himself hard to get his heart rate up.

The @roguefitness echo bike 50 cal challenge

How fast can you bust out 50 calories on the echo bike?

I never do cross fit or train for something like this but the inner athlete In me is still there and had to give it a try. At 30 calories in I felt my soul wanting to leave my body from all the lactic acid.

I Ended up doing it :29 seconds peak watts 1908.


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It’s great to see Steve Kuclo not only staying in bodybuilding shape, but also in good cardio condition as well. It’s exciting to see what he can potentially bring to the table.

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News and Editorial Writer at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.

Jonathan Salmon
Managing editor of Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. He has been writing about bodybuilding, combat sports, and strength sports for over 8 years. Check out his YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Sound Cloud for in-depth MMA analysis.