Carlos Petterson-Grifith set a new record at the IPF World Powerlifting Championships.
Carlos Petterson-Grifith continues to build his reputation of having insane leg strength on the squat rack. He is currently in Lithuania competing at the 2024 IPF World Powerlifting Championships and made his mark right away. During the show, he regained the U93kg IPF world record with a squat of 337.5kg (744.1lbs).
Petterson-Grifith might have been preparing for this lift during his first two attempts as he kept it low early on. His first attempt on squat was 305kg (672.4lb) followed by a 325kg (716.5lb) lift. Both attempts were successful as Petterson-Grifith then loaded up a record-setting lift. This was the second time that he attempted to reach this level, failing the first time during the 2024 IPF Sheffield Championships.
“World Record Squat with 337.5 kg by Carlos Petterson Grifith GUY in 93kg class”
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Carlos Petterson-Grifith has four victories in 11 competitions during his career, which began in 2017. He has excelled on the squat rack and is working to get his bench and deadlift up to the same standard. He finished fifth during this competition.
Why Improving Squats is Important
As to why you should be mindful of improving your squat, there are a few reasons, let’s dive on!
For one, gains are far better with better form. Who wouldn’t want their gains to be more glorious? For example, if you are half-repping your squats, or any exercise for that matter, you are not getting the full muscular engagement as opposed to when you complete a full range of motion. Squatting with the best possible form, leads to the best possible gains for the lifter!
Another reason to be mindful of how you are squatting is injury. Performing squats incorrectly could result in things like back issues, knee issues, and other unwanted issues that could put you out of commission. It is every lifter’s worst nightmare to be injured to the point where they cannot hit the gym at maximum strength. Make sure to do everything you can to avoid something like that.
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