Breon Ansley believes steroids can be done safely with proper monitoring.
Breon Ansley has been a staple in bodybuilding for many years now. He knows what it takes to win on stage and build a championship physique. For Ansley, this includes steroids and he recently spoke openly about different substances.
“It’s definitely something that needs to be addressed. Even on the flip side though, I think the education about steroids is off, even to the public and to the masses out there.”
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Ansley has put together an extremely successful career in Classic Physique. He began his amateur career in 2012 and earned his Pro Card the very next year by winning the NPC USA Championships. He quickly rose to the top of Classic Physique, winning his first Olympia at the 2017 Olympia. Ansley continued to improve as he won both the 2018 Arnold Classic and the 2018 Olympia.
Ansley believes that there are misconceptions within assumptions made about steroids. First and foremost, he believes they can be taken with the proper guidance.
“You think steroids and you think bad and don’t do it. I totally disagree with that. You can do steroids safely with monitoring blood work, with testing your body, and making sure everything is good from the inside.”
Breon Ansley Talks Steroid Safety
Ansley believes that competitors can be healthy while taking steroids if they are under the guidance of a trained professional.
“There’s so many variables that come into play with how it can be safe, with how it can be administered, with how it can be watched with hormones, with age, and how we can actually be healthier when taking them.”
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“You can’t administer these things or you can’t just ingest these things and sit on your ass. And not take, not be disciplined and take all the other precautions and take all the other steps it takes to build a physique, not even compete.”
Another belief about steroids is that they are magic and help grow muscle without work being put in. This is another false belief and Ansley, along with other bodybuilders, have used substances to aid in building a championship physique. But it all comes down to hard work in the gym.
“I guarantee you they didn’t get that way from steroids. They got that way from hard-ass work.
This sport is one of the few where you can’t cheat what you’re going to look like. There’s no way around cheating the science. That’s always something to draw back on when we’re talking about.”
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