Generation Iron Pro Leg Workout

The IFBB legend shows what it takes to have the legs of a pro.

Bodybuilding is truly a science. Sure, you can get big by just training hard, but that alone isn’t going to get you to where you want to be, particularly if you want to see the same kind of results as the pros. The idea of bodybuilding is to bring your body to its ultimate form and hard work and dedication is simply one facet of the game.

When it comes to lifting some heavy weight you have to focus on more than just the pounds you’re pushing. Technique is a skill that is perhaps the most important element to seeing some major improvement in the gym. In order to get full activation of the targeted muscles you’re going to need to know exactly how to attack a particular exercise.

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Leg day has long been considered the “worst” day at the gym. By worst we mean that it’s perhaps the most torturous day of the week to get through. A hard leg day can easily separate that boys from the men and give the answer as to just how serious you are about making overall gains. There’s no getting around it. If you want to have the complete package then you’re going to have to put your legs through a thrashing.

But how are supposed to know exactly how to perfect you technique to optimize your leg training? Well, IFBB legend Kevin Levrone has recently made a video that illustrates the difference between training like an amateur and a pro in the gym. Levrone recently held a contest that would see the winner have the opportunity to workout with the legend. Take a look as Kevin drops some knowledge and offers some critical tips to optimize your leg training.

What do you think of Kevin Levrone’s leg day training advice? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


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GI Team
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