Watch Phil Heath Isn't Worried About Kai Greene Header

Phil Heath is ready for number 5.

Just a few hours ago we posted a video of Kai Greene posing 4 weeks out from the 2015 Mr. Olympia. It seems like the rivalry is back in full swing as Kai looks ready to take down any competitor on the stage this year – including Phil Heath. Just when it seems like Kai Greene might of lost his last chance to win the Sandow, he shows up the next year looking like a beast and making tons of fans rethink what is possible for the upcoming Mr. Olympia.

So is Phil Heath worried? Not in the slightest. Recently releasing a teaser promo in the final weeks before Mr. Olympia; Phil Heath is pushing his new hashtag predicting his upcoming victory. #Dyna5sty continues the tradition of Phil Heath finding a motivational way to tie in his upcoming win (in this case, his 5th Sandow) into his legacy. Does this video show off The Gift’s physique just 4 weeks out like Kai Greene? Not at all – but Phil likes to keep things hush-hush until the grand reveal in Las Vegas. But if this video proves one thing – it’s that Phil Heath is not afraid of any competitor… including Kai.

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And if history has shown us anything, it’s that Phil’s confidence doesn’t make him lazy. If anything, it makes him work even harder than ever before. Will Phil dominate at this year’s Mr. Olympia competition? Only time will tell, but in the meantime get that burning fire in your gut started right now with Phil’s teaser predicting his 5th Mr. Olympia victor.

Extra Bonus: It also seems that Phil Heath is pretty pumped about the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie – since the entire teaser takes audio from the film.

Who do you think will take home the bronze Sandow? Let us know in the official GI Forum or hit us up on social media through our Facebook and Twitter. Stay pumped.

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