Kevin Levrone Reveals The Secret To His Success

What gets Kevin Levrone through a training session?

Being a professional athlete is no simple task. It takes a tremendous amount of sacrifice and dedication to be able to get to the upper echelons of a given sport. A mixed martial artist doesn’t roll out of bed and become a UFC champion. They put in a ton of work and bust their ass to be sure that they’re as prepared as possible for the task at hand. If they continue to win then they’ll one day have the chance to become a champion through hard work and dedication. Bodybuilding as a pursuit is no different. No one wakes up weighing 250 lbs of pure muscle. It’s something that must be worked on consistently in order to excel. But hard work won’t do the trick alone, which is something Kevin Levrone understands well.

The 2016 Olympia featured the come back of Kevin Levrone to professional competition after spending thirteen years on the shelf. It perceived as a futile task, something that was absolutely ridiculous to attempt. But not for Levrone. Kevin Levrone instead looked at the opportunity as a chance to push himself to his limits and make the attempt to shut down the naysayers.

So what was the secret to his success? It’s actually as simple as it is complicated. Kevin Levrone used nothing more than his will and mindset of never quitting on himself. Many people like to underestimate the strongest muscle in the human body. The brain is responsible for pushing you to heights that you never thought were possible. Levrone alludes to as much in the video interview below. Check out what he has to say about the hurdles he faced in attempting his comeback.

What gets you through your training?

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