World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall Is Looking To Get Shredded Once Again

Eddie Hall is looking to make some changes after he retires.

As far as bodybuilding and strongman athletes go, the biggest comparison will always come down to physique. Where bodybuilders focus more on building up their bodies and packing on muscle, a strongman focuses on, you guessed it, being as strong as humanly possible. There are many standout strongmen out there that look strong while at the same time having a more streamlined physique (Hafthor Bjornsson is one who comes to mind). The current World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall however is a different case.

Eddie Hall is an absolute powerhouse. Taking first place at this past year’s World’s Strongest Man competition solidified him as the one of the true greats of the sport. In order to be capable of the acts of human strength he’s been able to accomplish, it means that Eddie Hall has eat his fair share of calories while building both strength and muscle. But as said before, the emphasis behind being a World’s Strongest Man isn’t having the best physique in the world, it’s about being the strongest man on the field.

But as his career begins to wind down, it appears that Eddie Hall is looking to make some major life changes, specifically after he’s retired from competition. In a recent interview with The Maelstrom, Eddie Hall detailed exactly where he sees himself in the next two years and what to expect. When asked about what he’ll do when he doesn’t have to pack food into his body for competition, Hall’s response was simple:

“I’m gonna be retired in the next 18 months, that’s my definite goal, and I’ve got to reduce my food as I reduce my training. I was 31 stone in bodyweight, I mean ideally at my height a good healthy size would be 23 or 24 stone, that’s what I’m aiming for, you know I don’t want to be walking around at 30 odd stone for the rest of my life because it’s gonna put me in the ground. I’ve got a plan, the next 18 months once that’s over I’m gonna drop a load of weight and shred up basically.”

So it appears that Eddie Hall is looking to move towards the bodybuilding side of things after retirement. What do you make of Eddie Hall and his decision to get shredded in 18 months?

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