
Military Engineer Balances Motherhood While Competing In Bikini Class

Balancing the military, motherhood, and bodybuilding. Specialist Taylor Foster of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 62nd Engineer Battalion, 36th Engineer Brigade, is a full-time engineer and...

Rafael Brandao Looks Massive After Destroying a Back Workout With New...

Rafael Brandao’s coach doesn’t believe he’ll reach his prime until age 35-37.  Training your back as a bodybuilder or weightlifter can be quite intricate. Nevertheless,...

Matt Morsia’s Mock Experiment to End the Sumo Vs. Conventional Deadlift...

Matt Morsia tests the public to settle the sumo vs. conventional deadlift convo.  If you're a fitness enthusiast, deadlifts are likely in your routine. But...

Why Women Should Lift to Maximize Their Fitness

Why The Ladies Should Lift Ladies, just like us men, you have a body you envision having. You know what you want, but what you...

Advice For Those Lifters Who Often Skip Leg Day: Don’t!

For those who skip leg day, you are only hurting yourself. For many of us lifters, we often dislike, and may even skip, leg day....

How to Stick to Your Fat Loss Resolutions

How to Stick to Your Fat Loss Resolutions Alrighty, we’re at the tail end of January. You know what that means? That means you either...

Chris Hemsworth’s Complete Thor Workout Program

Chris Hemsworth is focusing on breathwork, sleep, meditation, and functional training in 2024.  Establishing and adhering to a workout program is paramount to optimizing your...

How Frog Pumps Can Enhance Your Glute Workout

Work to give those glutes a mean workout. Think about your workout routine for a minute and see if you can think of all the...

Blessing Awodibu and Kai Greene Unite to Attack an Insane Back...

Superstar bodybuilders Blessing Awodibu and Kai Greene endure a killer back and hamstrings workout together with the 2022 Olympia around the corner. The final stages...

Passion For Competition Leads Shantelle Rathburn To Bikini Bodybuilding

Shantelle Rathburn is a bikini star in the making. Shantelle Rathburn will be taking stage for the Bikini Division 2018 NPC Mountaineer Classic in Charleston...