What are Steroid Esters? Nick Trigili Breaks Down All You Need...
This article is the sole opinion of Nick Trigili. Generation Iron Brands LLC does not condone, support, or advocate any form of legal or...
Bodybuilding Tips: Should You Use Insulin?
This article is the sole opinion of Nick Trigili. Generation Iron Brands LLC does not condone, support, or advocate any form of illegal drug...
Nick Trigili: Which Diuretic is Best?
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements
Which Diuretic is Best?
You’ve lost all the necessary fat for a show, or photoshoot, or for fun, and now...
Keone Pearson: Classic Physique Prodigy
Keone Pearson: Classic Physique Prodigy
This genetic freak of a competitor is going to do some damage at the Olympia this year. There’s no ifs,...
Hyaluronic Acid: The True Muscle Generator
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements
Hyaluronic Acid: The True Muscle Generator
Perhaps you’ve heard of hyaluronic acid from your plastic surgeon. It’s been used for...
The Biggest Differences Between US and Foreign Anabolic Steroid Use PART:...
The Biggest Differences Between US and Foreign Anabolic Steroid Use PART: 1
One of the most omnipresent elements of bodybuilding is Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid (AAS) use;...
Nick Trigili Talks Fat Loss Supplements (Part 1)
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements
Fat Loss Supplements Part I
So, you’ve got your diet, cardio, and training regimens dialed in, but what supplements can...
Nick Trigili: Should You Use Growth Hormone?
This article is the sole opinion of Nick Trigili. Generation Iron Brands LLC does not condone, support, or advocate any form of illegal drug...
Nick Trigili Explains When You Should Stop Training Like The Pros...
When You Should Stop Doing What The Pros Do If You Aren't Competing
I've noticed that there's a pretty strong obsession with what the Pros...
Sugar and Bodybuilding
Is sugar actually bad for gaining muscle mass?
Sugar is said to be one of the most dangerous things that we can ingest, and frequent...