
3 Exercises You MUST Be Doing To Grow Huge Traps

Monster traps in three steps. The traps are partly a mystery in weight training because of how small the muscles are, and because they are...


Turning conventional knowledge on its head. The barbell. We all know it, we all love it. We load the weights, feel the bumps on...

Derek Lunsford Trains Shoulders with Ronnie Coleman After Mr. Olympia Win

The only thing Derek Lunsford had on his mind after winning Mr. Olympia was training with Ronnie Coleman.  The moment when two Olympia legends come...

WATCH: Dallas McCarver Lifting Heavy Ass Weight In Prep For Arnold...

Fear Dallas McCarver. Dallas McCarver was one of THE biggest up-and-comer bodybuilders of 2016 - proving to us that he will one day in...

WATCH: 10 Crucial Tips For Teens In The Gym

Essential tips for when you start training young. Not everyone gets into heavy lifting when they are a teenager - but for those who...

Use The Cable Pull Through For Increased Strength & Gains

How The Cable Pull Through Produces Ultimate Strength. Many people out there are looking to build some great, quality muscle in order to be as...

WATCH: Bodybuilder Answers – Can You Have A Legitimate Workout With...

Bodybuilder attempts to make gains using Shake Weight. Ever since it first hit, the Shake Weight was a universal joke across the world. Just...

Are “Stretching Intervals” the Secret to Better Fitness?

What role does stretching play in your workout routine? Most people in the health and fitness community will tell you that stretching is good for...

6 Floor Presses Your Program Needs

Here are six floor presses to try during your workout program. The floor press has gained notable popularity over the years. What started as a...

Shrug It Out: Try These 6 Exercises To Give You Massive...

Get killer traps now! It's those mountains of muscle that every bodybuilder needs in their repertoire. The trapezius muscles. This area is ultimately very important...