A little storm won’t stop us from giving you our song pick of the week.
Snow storm Juno may be heading your way and try it’s best to ruin your gains, but that’s not going to stop the GI Team from providing you with some hardcore music to get your mind right for the gym. Even if you can’t get to your local hotspot for pumping iron, you can still maintain those gains by working out at home. So this week we’re giving you a song that will be sure to get you psyched up for a hard workout.
This song will get you fired up in the gym to get all the gains you seek. Burn fat and pack on muscle with this track from Slipknot. One of the top songs of 1999, “Wait and Bleed” is a single off the popular groups self-titled debut album.
This Week’s Pick
Song: Wait and Bleed
Artist: Slipknot
Album: Slipknot
Crank up some Slipknot and battle against the storm. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!
Check back next week for the GI song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.