The journey to going pro.

Ben Pakulski was always a stand out bodybuilder and character in the film Generation Iron. Why? Because of his unique training style that put focus on modern techniques and scientific advancements. When you compare the bodybuilding world Ben Pakulski lives in compared to that of Branch Warren – you’ll notice a stark difference between the clean cut and monitored science that Ben surrounds himself in… as opposed to the grit and hardcore mentality of Metroflex gym and Branch Warren’s bad ass lifts.

So with a very different mentality of how bodybuilding training should work – how did Ben Pakulski find his passion for bodybuilding in the first place? B-Pak reveals the tale in our latest Lost Scenes interview above.

Where do you think Ben Pakulski stands in the pantheon of bodybuilding? Let us know in our official GI Forums and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on our new videos. Stay pumped.

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