The beast from Denmark.

Every week, Iron Cinema will connect you with Generation Iron director Vlad Yudin. Giving you unprecedented inside access to the creative process behind his the Generation Iron Fitness Network. Get a first hand look at the entire journey of taking Vlad’s creative ideas to the big screen – from stories on set of films like Generation Iron and CT Fletcher all the way to exclusive behind-the-scene looks at our newest GI news and films. This week Vlad talks with Jens “The Beast” Dalsgaard, a Danish bodybuilder with a titanic size and tattoos from head to toe. Making him worthy of the name “The Beast.”

It’s no secret that bodybuilding consists of more than just the processional and amateur sport. Bodybuilding is a lifestyle. One can be a “bodybuilder” without competing… much like the Danish bodybuilder Jens Dalsgaard – also known as “THE BEAST.” While he may be off putting to some (he has over 40 tattoos covering his entire body – including his face), Jens has an ever growing presence on social media and a lot of insight into the pros and cons of modern bodybuilding. In our interview, we touch upon how bodybuilding literally saved his life from death after prison… and how modern YouTubers are too often promoting illegal drug use – causing aspiring bodybuilders to start using way too early. You can check out the entire interview above.

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GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!