Kai Greene Proves He’s The Future Of Coaching

Kai Greene has trained an impressive protege.

At a certain stage of an athlete’s competitive career there comes a time when they must realize that their time in the limelight may be coming to an end. A competitor can only push themselves for so long before things begin to go awry. Once that begins to happen they have a few decisions that they need to make. Either they can continue to compete until their body shuts down and forces them to retire or they can find a new avenue in order to not only remain relevant in their chosen sport and continue to make a living from what they love. It seems that Kai Greene is neither choosing the former or the latter. Instead, Kai Greene appears like he’ll continue to compete while at the same time grooming other bodybuilders for greatness.

After competing at a high level for a considerable amount of time, Kai Greene has become a staple in bodybuilding. While his eccentric style and poetic philosophy has garnered him fans and detractors alike, it can’t be denied that Kai is one of the best bodybuilders in the world and has continue to prove this with wins at three separate Arnold Classic shows throughout the year. With all those wins and competitions, it’s very obvious that a competitor like Kai has a tremendous amount of experience, experience that could translate over well to a coaching position. The amount of knowledge he possesses could do up and coming bodybuilders well, potentially turning them into champions themselves one day.

Well it would appear that Kai Greene has already put his coaching skills into work as one of his students, Jorge Luis Guerrero, took home a big win at the Absoluto competition in Mexico. If Guerrero’s physique is any indication, Kai Greene seems like a strong coach to have in your corner.


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