Generation Iron Kai Greene Not Competing Mr. Olympia

Holding back tears, Kai breaks truly upsetting news.

With the 2015 Mr. Olympia competition on the horizon it would appear that things have taken quite the unexpected turn. Already Dana Linn Bailey and Steve Cook have gone on record stating that they won’t be competing at this years event. Now it seems that we can add Kai Greene’s name to that list of top competitors that won’t be at the Las Vegas based show. That’s right – Kai Greene has officially announced that he will NOT be competing at this year’s Mr. Olympia.

This may come as a shock for some, while to others just confirmed their doubts. After last years event many fans were looking forward to the continued rivalry between Greene and reigning Olympia champion Phil Heath. Now it would seem that fans and onlookers will have to wait for another time for the two to face off against one another.


So what exactly was the reasoning behind Kai Greene’s withdrawal from the competition? Well, it seems like he explains himself pretty clearly in this video that he posted just last night. Take a look for the details.

This comes as a shocker as Kai’s recent progress pics have indicated that the man has been hard at work during the off season. What’s more is that Kai’s statement saying that he won’t be “allowed to compete” is pretty interesting. There seems to be a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we just don’t know.

Are you disappointed with this news? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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