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Here’s another GI favorite for a protein shake to make after your next workout. It’s delicious and (even better) it’s cheap and easy.



12 oz. skim milk

2 bananas

2 scoops of vanilla whey protein powder*

1 tbsp. peanut butter (creamy)



1) Add all ingredients into a blender.

2) Blend on HIGH for approximately 30 seconds. (Timing may vary.)

3) Pour into a large glass and enjoy!


This picture comes from the one and only Melle Mel, representing the GI Nation on his locker. Grab your GI Stickers today and spread the word about the Generation Iron movement!



Jogging is one of the best forms of exercise, if for no other reason than you can do it just about wherever you are. Still, we at GI decided to put together a definitive Top 5 list of the best cities in the United States to jog through. Check out the list below:

1) Chicago

When it comes to scenic jogs, you can’t beat Chicago’s 18-mile path around Lake Michigan. An absolutely stunning sight no matter how many times you run past it, joggers and cyclers have chosen this path as their go-to place for a long, rejuvenating jog for decades. And the Des Plaines River Trail, a gorgeous wooded trail, also runs through Chicago (it stretches north and south of the Windy City too). The Des Plaines River Trail is popular year-round but diehards swear that the autumn foliage is a must-see.

2) New York City

New York City has long been a jogging hub. Perhaps most notably, it is home to the New York Marathon, which runs through all five boroughs. There is of course the 6-mile loop through Central Park but there are also nine other popular parks for jogging including Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx and Prospect Park in Brooklyn.

3) Washington, DC

The 5-mile loop through the Mall takes you on a tour of all the best national monuments in the country’s capitol. But don’t forget about Rock Creek Park, which boasts some impressive jogging trails. (The most popular trail in Rock Creek Park is Beach Drive, a road that is partially closed to vehicles on the weekends.)

4) Portland

Though it might not spring to mind right away when considering the nation’s top jogging spots, Portland really does have it all: parks, hiking trails, winding paths through wooded areas and more! A highlight is the stunningly gorgeous Banks-Veronica State Trail.

5) San Francisco

Don’t be intimidated by those hills! San Francisco is a great jogging option for those looking for a challenge. And for those who prefer flatter terrain, San Francisco has that too. Golden Gate Park has more level trails and paths, all set against serene lakes and impeccably manicured gardens. San Franciso’s cool, refreshing weather is another reason joggers from across the country flock here to run.

Do you know an even better city or town near you for jogging? Tweet us your favorite place to run!


Happy Holidays, GI Nation!

Here are two special holiday twists on our GI Protein Shake to treat yourself with this Christmas.



12 oz. skim milk

3 – 4 ice cubes

2 scoops chocolate whey protein powder

2 York Peppermint Patties (large, not mini)


1) Add all ingredients into a blender.

2) Blend on HIGH for approximately 30 seconds. (Timing may vary.)

3) Pour into a large glass and enjoy!



12 oz. skim milk

3 – 4 ice cubes

2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder

1 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. nutmeg


1) Add all ingredients into a blender.

2) Blend on HIGH for approximately 30 seconds. (Timing may vary.)

3) Pour into a large glass and enjoy!


If you’re looking to build your muscles, you already know: protein is the way to go. But you don’t always need a protein bar or shake to get your daily dose of “Vitamin P.” Below we’ve collected 7 of the best natural sources of protein.


White meat poultry is a fantastic way to get protein while also avoiding the higher fat content found in dark meat or other types of meat, such as beef. On average, chicken contains 31 grams of protein per 100 grams of meat (approx. ¼ pound), which puts an adult male more than halfway towards his recommended 56 grams of protein per day. White meat turkey is another excellent, lean option.


When it comes to protein content in seafood, salmon is hard to beat. Higher in protein than most other fish, salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote strong cardiovascular health.


A classic in any protein-rich diet and an excellent way to begin your day. (In fact, protein consumption at breakfast has been shown to curb appetite later in the day.) Egg whites in particular are your healthiest and most protein-rich choice when it comes to eggs.

Our favorite way to eat eggs? A nice, big omelet with your favorite kind of cheese. Which brings us to #4…


Like most dairy products, cheese is packed with protein. But what’s the cheese that gives you the biggest protein bang for your caloric buck? Believe it or not, it’s cottage cheese (32 grams of protein per 100 grams).


Kidney beans are best but most other beans will do the trick too. Beans also have high fiber content, an essential ingredient to promote good digestive health.


Nuts are great if you’re looking for a quick, healthy and natural snack that contains plenty of protein. Almonds, peanuts (technically peanuts are a legume, but we’ll count them here) and pistachios are the best when it comes to protein content.


Here’s one we at GI like to add to all of our protein shakes and smoothies. Flax seed is an affordable way to add protein to a shake, and has earned a reputation as something of a miracle seed in recent years. Not only does it contain protein, it also has omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and may even reduce your risk of certain types of cancer.

You don’t always need supplements and whey powder to get enough protein in your diet. So the next time you go grocery shopping, keep the above foods in mind to keep strong naturally.


The last of the fireworks have been lit. You gathered with family and friends, drank champagne and sang “Auld Lang Syne.” It is January 1stand you’re staring at that piece of paper you wrote your New Year’s Resolutions on. Maybe you’re even feeling motivated and eager to start working on your goals for this year. But if past years are any indicator, you know your motivation will only last so long.

So how do you maintain that motivation all year? Being a part of the GI Nation means pushing yourself and never settling. But when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, it also helps to set reasonable, achievable goals and not to tackle more than you know you can do.

Below are 6 tips for setting smart goals in the coming year and how to stick to them.

1) Set a 3-Month Goal

You should absolutely set an ambitious goal for yourself to achieve by year’s end. But you should also break it down into smaller steps. How will you get to that big goal? What needs to be done first?

Set a smaller goal for yourself that you know you can push yourself to reach by March 31. Then have another 3-month goal ready to complete by June 30. Keep working away at that main goal by working up to it with smaller ones.

2) Think Seasonally

Why do so many people drop their health and exercise resolutions and forget about them? For one thing, January is a bitterly cold month for much of the world. It’s hardly a great time to get excited about exercising. After all, who wants to run a mile every morning when its twenty degrees outside?

Be smart about setting those short-term goals. Save the cross-country jogging and other outdoors activities for the spring. In the winter, focus on eating better and working out indoors (either in your home or at the gym).

3) Set Diverse Goals

Exercising more and building the body you have always dreamed about is important, and here at the GI Nation, we’re committed to helping you achieve that dream. But you should diversify your New Year’s Resolutions too. Set two or three fitness goals, but then pick a few more that aren’t fitness-related.

Where do you want to be with your career in a year? Are there any trips you want to take? Is there a hobby or pastime you’ve been neglecting lately? Put these goals next to the fitness ones and watch how working on one will motivate you to complete the rest. Maximize your happiness by achieving goals in all areas of your life.

4) Be Specific

“Get in shape” is not a good New Year’s Resolution. Try instead: “Lose 20 pounds by June.”

“Run more” is not a good New Year’s Resolution. Try instead: “Run a mile every day for a month, then two miles a day the next month, etc.”

“Bulk up and get bigger” is not a good New Year’s Resolution. Try instead: “Build a bigger chest, biceps and triceps.” And cut out a picture of someone who looks like how you want to look. Compare that photo with one of yourself at the end of the year.

5) Tell Someone Else

Don’t keep it a secret. Tell someone you’re close to about your New Year’s Resolution and give them permission to remind you all year about it. Having a friend on your case will keep you committed and focused on the goal, and keeps you from slacking off or forgetting about it.

6) Don’t Give Up

If April rolls around and you’ve barely made a dent in your goal, don’t use that as an excuse to scrap the whole plan and give yourself a free pass. Recommit yourself to your goal and modify it if you have to but do not give up. Any proud member of the GI Nation knows that nothing matters except hard work and that it’s never too late to achieve what you want to achieve.




1 pound ground turkey (93% lean turkey is the best way to get all your protein without the extra fat)

4 cups (or two 16 oz. cans) red kidney beans

3 medium tomatoes, chopped

3 celery stalks, chopped

2 large uncooked carrots, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

1 green bell pepper, chopped

1 red bell pepper, chopped

2 cups tomato sauce

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar


3 tbsp garlic powder

2 tbsp cumin

2 tbsp onion powder

2 tbsp paprika

2 tsp dried basil leaves

2 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp cayenne (For those who like a little kick!)

½ tsp black pepper


1) Heat large pot over medium heat.

2) Brown ground turkey with chopped onion in pot.

3) Add red kidney beans, tomatoes, celery stalks, carrots, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, tomato sauce and apple cider vinegar. Stir.

4) Add spices while stirring. (Feel free to add extra spices to taste.)

5) Cover the pot, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes, or until vegetables are tender.

6) Serve and enjoy!


“The secret to being successful at something you really want to do is to try, try and continue to keep trying until you succeed.” – Kai Greene



The human body is a work of art, and when an artist like Kai Greene pushes the human body to its limits, the result is nothing short of a masterpiece.

kai art


Generation Iron Kai Greene Motivation

Generation Iron Kai Greene Motivation

Stay motivated this weekend with these helpful tips.

We’ve all been there before. We’ve all had that voice in our head telling us, “Not today. You’re too tired. You deserve a day off. There’s always tomorrow…” That voice can be a persuasive one and it can be hard to shake once it’s wedged its way into your thoughts.

But you also know that in order to be your best, you have to ignore that voice. You have to always push yourself, especially on those days when you just don’t feel like it. So how do you do that? Below, we’ve listed the top 5 ways to motivate yourself and ensure that you never let negativity or laziness stop you from working your body to its fullest potential.


Consider your daily schedule and decide where you can fit in your workout. Move things around or cut out something less essential if you need to but find at least one hour a day you can dedicate to working out. It is important to work out at the same time every day if possible so that you can get into a steady routine. This way, you can never tell yourself you have something else to do. That hour is for working out and nothing else.

Once you have your routine started, stick to it and don’t make exceptions. Consistency and regularity are the most surefire ways to get results.


After you’ve finished stretching and warming up, tackle your toughest challenge first.

Whatever exercise you dread the most, start there. Once you’ve done that, you’ll notice two things. One, you’ll feel great having beaten your biggest challenge. Two, the positive energy you create from doing that will give you the downhill momentum to finish the rest of your workout. End on your favorite exercise so that you have something to look forward to.


When you work out today, try to top what you did yesterday. How many reps did you do yesterday? How far did you run? How much weight did you lift? See if you can reach a given goal for each exercise by the end of the week.

Set monthly goals too. What do you want to weigh by the start of next month? Which specific muscles do you want to see improvement with? Write down specific goals, post them in the room you work out in and check them off as you complete them.


Arnold Schwarzenegger said that bodybuilders are like sculptors. They look at their bodies, decide which muscles need work and then chisel away until their vision for themselves has been achieved. Take a picture of yourself and study it. What muscles do you want to chisel? Once you know where you need to improve you can begin designing your workout routine around those goals. Take a picture the first day of every month and keep these pictures in one place so you can chart your progress.


This will be the phrase you say to yourself when you’re lying in bed and don’t want to wake up and start your workout. This will be what you say to yourself when your body is struggling to do that last rep. “Don’t quit now.” “This is nothing.” “Another.” These are just a few of the mantras from our Generation Iron athletes. What’s your mantra?

Let us know on Twitter or Facebook the word or phrase that gets you going and motivates you when your body desperately wants to quit but you refuse to let it.