weightlifter pass headerI’d rather lift on my feet than fall on my knees

Milko Olavi Tokola, 23, of Finland, ended up over-exerting himself during his 175kg weight lift at the Rio Olympics. The 85kg competitor had to be helped off stage after after passing out during the walk back to his locker room. After the herculean lift  . Doctors say that such occurrences can happen when the body’s blood pressure drops due to over-exertion which sent the over joyed Tokola crashing to the floor.

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This isn’t the first time it’s happened in the gym however as Tokola tend to push things to the limit

‘It happens sometimes, but that was the first time for a while,’ Tokola said cheerily afterwards.

‘I have a problem where sometimes when I give 120 per cent I pass out. It’s when I put my body through too much in that moment.

‘Doctors have investigated and they think maybe it’s to do with blood levels in the brain when I lift heavy weights,’ the Finn added.

The finnish lifter seems to not just be a winner at the games but also a winner in life, as he’s set to get married in two weeks. It’s very rare to find a person vulnerable enough to go lights out in one of the most watched events in T.V. history. This is why we love the Olympics, this is why we love sports.

‘I don’t remember anything about the fall but I have a little bit of a headache now.” Tokola said

‘Even though it will have been on TV, I don’t feel any embarrassment because I won’t see  it, so I don’t care, I’m an Olympic athlete now and I’m so happy.’

Hopefully we get to see more of these leave it all on the floor (literally) athletes in the future. Hopefully Tokola doesn’t faint during the wedding. Not as many people, but equally as embarrassing.

What’s your opinion on all these crazy mishaps at the Olympics?

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