sadik talks move to classic headerStraight out of the builder’s mouth.

Sadik Hadzovic is one of the most popular builders out there. Not only does he have a physique most people would kill for, but he puts in hard work and is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. With that being said, all the fan acclaim in the word can never replace the title. After 5 years of competing at the Men’s physique level, the title has proved to be elusive for the real estate mogul and bodybuilding fan favorite. With a new opportunity on the horizon in the newly made Men’s Classic Physique Division, the Yugoslavian native saw his chance to compete at a more natural weight class, and took it.

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Now there are many theories out there. Some say he was too heavy for the division; his drastic loss of size and strength took away from his physique on show day. Some say he couldn’t compete with Jeremy Buendia and had to switch weight to get a shot at the title. Well we’re not big fans of theory. We’ve decided to post the Nov, 2015 in which Sadik breaks the news to NPC Online News Editor in Chief Frank Sepe in order to get some insight as to why exactly Sadik decided to make the switch. While this is in no way a definitive truth, we hope this puts to bed some of the crazier theories.

While only Sadik knows the reason for sure, I for one believe him. And I have evidence for my belief, exhibit A: Instagram. If you look through Sadik Hadzovic’s instagram you’ll see an impressive display of male genetics at its finest. However, when it comes to show day you can see how it gets so close between him and the top competitors. At a higher weight he looks much more impressive than when he drops weight for the stage. Could this new weight class be the answer? Only time will tell, but a 15 lb weight drop as opposed to a 30lb weight cut seems a lot more plausible on a 5’11” frame. Maybe that’s just me.

What do you think of Sadik’s move to Men’s Classic Physique? Was it really to challenge himself or was he running from a tougher weight class?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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