Roelly Winklaar and Nathan De Asha Train Shoulders Weeks Out From Olympia

Roelly Winklaar and Nathan De Asha are training to reach their final form.

Iron sharpens iron is an idiom that rings true. When you want to be the best of the best then you have train with others that will push you to your limits. You could possibly reach your end goal all by your lonesome, but the truth of the matter is that everyone could use an extra added push. Oxygen Gym represents the idiom of iron sharpens iron perfectly. With monsters like Big Ramy coming out of the Kuwait based gym, it’s easy to see that they’re doing something right. But Big Ramy isn’t the only monster to come out of this growing gym. Roelly Winklaar and Nathan De Asha also train with this team of beasts.

Roelly Winklaar is the definition of mass monster and is constantly pushing himself to add more and more muscle to his frame. Yet, despite his growth he’s been able to maintain his shredded conditioning. Then there’s Nathan De Asha who sports one of the more impressive physiques in the open weight division today. While both are vying for their spot in the top five of the division, they both train together at Oxygen Gym in hopes of toppling the competition.

At the highest level having high level training partners can truly take your game to new levels. Roelly Winklaar has more experience than Nathan De Asha and surely has passed on a great deal of knowledge to his stablemate in preparation for the 2017 Olympia. A great training partner can motivate you to push past your limits and achieve greatness that may have seemed to be out of reach. Both Winklaar and De Asha are pushing their bodies to the next level as the biggest pro show of the year fast approaches.

Mr. O 2017 WE ARE COMING FOR YOU? @nathandeasha @yamamotonutrition @mrolympiallc @o2_gyms

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