Check out Steve Kuclo’s guest posing physique 17 weeks out from Olympia.

We are still a far ways off from Mr. Olympia 2019 but since we are about halfway to the big event, things are starting to heat up for the pros as they start really focusing in on Olympia training and prep. There’s still a lot that can change – but video updates are becoming bountiful now that the top pros are in full swing.

So of course, it’s getting more and more exciting to see guest posing routines as we get closer and closer to the Olympia. Steve Kuclo recent performed a guest posing at the California Pro 2019. How does his physique look and will we see major improvements to help him rise up at the Olympia? Check out the guest posing video above compiled by Fazi Fitness and decide for yourself!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

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