4 Ways You’re Not Actually Working Out In The Gym (And Everyone Else Knows)

…but first let me take a selfie.

The Gym. The birth of bragging rights for many of laymen (and laywomen). As if through the law of state transfer… just being there will get you in shape. Unfortunately for them all the Nike tech gear and compression pants in the world will only leave you with a fat credit card bill (and rear end) if you don’t actually lift. Crazy concept, I know. Now for you seasoned bodybuilders we know this isn’t you. They have to pull you out of the gym, we get it. However, we’re sure you’ve seen quite a few characters that have provided entertainment with their bright reflective gear looking around in confusion. If you don’t know what we’re talking about this could possibly be you. Read on to find out the top 4 ways to tell you’re not actually working out at the gym.

The Supplements are making you fat

Generation Iron Fat

You see the thing about supplements like creatine and the extra intake of protein is that it works on the basis that you are moving your ass and actually working out your muscles. Coming into the gym and doing a couple bicep curls and then staring into the mirror, followed by a set of sitting on the bike machine and watching CNN does not constitute a workout. We know you feel good about when you’re drinking your workout shakes, we really do, but if you’re not using the stuff you put in you’re just producing very expensive urine. It’s easy to look like you’re a serious lifter by bragging about your supplement stack… but if you don’t actually LIFT hard you’re just wasting time and money.

GI Team
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