4 Ways You’re Not Actually Working Out In The Gym (And Everyone Else Knows)

You’ve Contemplated Your Whole life From Puberty To Childhood between sets

Generation Iron Thinking Bodybuilder

The unexamined life is not worth living, I get it, I’m the reflective type. Sometimes the rest between sets is a little too good, combined with that euphoric feeling of lifting weights, you might pat yourself on the back a little early. However, these excuses don’t give you anymore gains than the guy over there on page 535 of the Hunger Game series. You’ve gotta make a specific time between sets and stick to it. Procrastination is mental masturbation. We don’t want you falling victim to the “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s”, time is your most precious resource, spend it wisely. You need to be just as rigorous and focused during your rest periods as during your reps.

So are you actually working out in the gym? Or are you just pulling off these items above and making yourself feel better by simply having a gym membership and showing up from time to time? Maybe do yourself and everyone else in the gym a favor by actually using this as a wake up call. You already made the right choice by getting in a gym – so start taking it seriously!

What do you think of our list, got anything you’d like to add? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Facebook and Twitter. Stay pumped.

GI Team
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