Generation Iron Ronnie Coleman Regrets

One regret… but not what you’d think.

“So you guys still want to be like me?” These are the first words to the public from Ronnie Coleman after his major back surgery last Tuesday. The 11 hour procedure left Big Ron like we’ve never seen him before, weak and unable to walk. When asked if he would do it all over again, he says no…

He would go even HARDER!!!

In this recent Instagram post, Ronnie writes that of all his years of lifting he has only one regret – it involves the numbers 2 and 4. He’s of course referring to his insane lift – where he squatted 800lbs for two reps. He states that he had the other two in him but cowardice wouldn’t allow him push it to the edge. It still haunts him today.

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We think we speak for everyone when we say Ronnie Coleman is no coward. Just the mental space you have to be in to get under a bar with 800 lbs resting on your shoulders – knowing you’re going to squat – is a burden that most men can’t bear. Most bodybuilders, (and we’re talking about professionals) can’t bear. The sad part is, Ronnie Coleman can’t even walk and he’s still training harder than you! Gauranteed he’ll go to rehab, get better, and be lifting heavy ass weights in no time and you’ll still be half assing at the gym with little to no gains. It’s cute that your girlfriend thinks your biceps are getting bigger but if you’re in it for a bedroom body then you’re not ready to hang with the big boys. This sport is for freaks, for people who aren’t afraid to stand out and literally wear who they are every day like a badge of honor. So the answer to original question is “Yes, Ronnie” we still want to be like you. We will go through the blood, sweat, tears, bulking, fasting, gym time, and mental drain it takes to reach our full potential, because you’ve shown us it’s worth it.

We asked last week whether or not the sacrifice he made was worth it. But it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. The only thing that matters is that Ronnie Coleman regrets nothing. And if he existed as a young man today… he’d probably be even bigger and more intense with every single rep.

Light weight baby.

Check out Ronnie’s original post below:

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GI Team
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