Generation Iron Rich Piana Bulk

Could 38 lbs in 9 weeks be enough for Rich Piana?

Bulking season will be coming to a close fairly soon as bodybuilders who cultivated massive physiques over the winter and are now shifting to their cutting period. There’s a reason that bodybuilders choose to either bulk up or cut down when they’re building up their bodies. Everything is about timing when it comes to bodybuilding and essentially that means you either have to choose to build up muscle or lose fat. It’s pretty much impossible for your body to do both at the same time. That means getting the physique of your dreams is going to require patience if you ever hope to see positive results.

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Rich Piana’s bulking endeavor has been well documented, the fitness personality venturing to gain thirty pounds of muscle in three months. So far it appears that Piana has indeed put on a tremendous amount of muscle and is looking the biggest he ever has. Many have called the endeavor dangerous, foolhardy, a major mistake. Seeing as how Rich was already pretty massive it seemed ill advised to pack on more pounds of muscle. But that hasn’t stopped Piana from trying his hardest to pack on the extra muscle.

But a recent post from Instagram may be showing a change of heart for the massively muscled Piana. Now it seems like the bulk that he had once thought to be a great idea is starting to backfire. Check out what Piana had to say in the post below.

New high of 314lbs!! Ok everyone I have to be honest and say I am miserable at this size and definitely not wanting to continue putting size on! I know I have more than proven my point of how easy it really is to be successful in life at whatever you choose if you are willing to do #whateverittakes and work your ass off 24/7 and #nevergiveup my total gain in muscle is 38lbs in 9 weeks and I’m at 9 meals a day and not even at the craziest part of the cycle!! Going up to 12 meals and adding the tren and anadrol in will just be insane!! Looking at this pic it’s very clear to me that I have surpassed what I would call an incredibly insane awesome bodybuilding physique! This is just to much!! My head is ready to explode!! Lol! Tell me what you guys think? I will continue the videos and always motivating the fuck out of you guys but might put the brakes on as far as myself getting any Bigger!! Continue doing “Bigger by the Day” program and definitely need those arm feeders to catch them up to my shoulders!! Just not continue packin on the size!! So everybody else keep going and We will be doing a program on getting off and maintaining all that muscle!! So keep Fucking going God Damn it!! #monstersdoexist #biggerbytheday #bigasfuck #killthatshit #nosuchthingasovertraining #loveitkillit #1dayumay #2016bringingbigback #eatbigtogetbig #nopainnogain #welcometomyworld #5percentnutrition #5150 #killit #realfood #fullasfuck #alldayumay #motivation #inspiration #monstermode

A photo posted by Rich Piana (@1dayumay) on

After all that training, eating, and cycling, one has to wonder: is Rich Piana going to stop his bulk?

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Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Twitter to keep up with his antics.

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