Generation Iron Lee Priest vs Rich Piana

Lee has more than a few things to say about Rich Piana.

As an athlete entering into their twilight years it’s often difficult to know exactly when you should hang it up and reduce your training in a manner that will support your age and health. Most people find it hard to quit whatever sporting endeavor they’ve chosen. Competing at a high level often leaves retired athletes restless, aimless, looking for a way to experience their former glory. But even if you were never a competitive athlete in your chosen sport, there’s no doubt going to be lingering feelings of wanton, of things left unfinished and unaccomplished. From the sounds of it, that could be the very problem Rich Piana is facing currently.

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Recently Piana has been on a mission to gain more muscle, 30 pounds of it to be exact, all of it within a four month period. Many fans and experts who have caught wind of Piana’s plan have had their own thoughts and opinions on the endeavor. Many have stated that Rich, who is already considerably muscled, has made a grave mistake that very well could be harmful to his well being. At his current age, it would almost seem futile to gain anymore muscle at this point.

Rich Piana is up there in age and to think that he actually wanted to gain more size, despite the fact that he’s already a massive man, could have been one of the more detrimental decisions he’s ever made in his life. But don’t take our word for it. Lee Priest has his own opinions on whether or not Rich Piana’s decision to gain even more muscle was truly a great idea.

Do you think Lee Priest has a point about Rich Piana’s latest venture?

Let us know in the comments and follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter. Also, be sure to share, like, and comment to show your support.

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