the other bodybuilder over 300 lbs headerA mass monster with a ton of up side.

With the Olympia weeks away, professional bodybuilders are all putting the finishing touches on their physiques. Whether they were extremely active or whether they had an extended off season, every pro who has signed an Olympia contract understand how crucial the final few weeks are before the big show. Some bodybuilders use the off season to experiment with their physiques in order to see exactly what could give them the edge for the biggest competition of the year. Appears that Dallas McCarver is one such individual.

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Much like what Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay did last year, Dallas McCarver has gone on an extended bulk that has seen him out on a tremendous amount of muscle. Where a bodybuilder risks putting on fat during their bulk it would seem that McCarver has found a solution to that particular issue. While he’s been growing in size he’s been maintaining his definition.

Many have noticed that the IFBB pro bodybuilder has put on a tremendous amount of size and has transformed himself into a virtual mountain of muscle. While being a bodybuilder isn’t simply about how much muscle you can pack onto your frame, McCarver has managed to do just that while maintaining his aesthetics. But an interesting wrinkle to this story is the fact that McCarver has put on so much muscle that he now weighs north of 300 lbs. While Big Ramy’s infamous 300 lbs bulk didn’t do him any favors at last year’s show, it seems that McCarver’s bulk could potentially lead him to a higher placing. Take a look at McCarvers 300 plus pound physique.

Do you think this massive bulk will help Dallas McCarver place higher at the Olympia?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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