Roelly Winklaar Olympia 2016 Generation Iron

That most muscular tho.

Last night’s prejudging for Men’s Open was one for the ages. The world was waiting in anticipation for Kevin Levrone (who looked fantastic by the way… but won’t come close to Phil Heath). Yet another bodybuilder literally exploded the crowd last night. That bodybuilder was Roelly Winklaar. A man who had consistently surprised us for all of 2016. Roelly has always been a fan favorite in the bodybuilding world – often eliciting some of the loudest cheers and screams whenever he posed. But tonight was different. The moment Roelly Winklaar stepped on stage the world shook.

With each passing competition Roelly Winklaar appeared in this year – he just kept getting bigger. We all expect Roelly to shock us with his massive size. But when we saw him pull off that most muscular last night our jaws dropped. He was no longer a man. He was a monster. He was a god of size and fury. His arms bulged to a size that we didn’t think was possible. It was, in short, truly amazing to behold.

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Roelly Winklaar Olympia 2016

Of course, as the call outs came into play it was obvious that Roelly unfortunately wouldn’t be able to stack up to Phil Heath. But we hoped. In the one single moment when Roelly was on stage – we hoped that he could change the world. That the Earth would bow down on it’s knees and raise up a glimmering Sandow trophy to bestow upon the beast that was called Roelly Winklaar.

But once again – the call outs happened. The comparisons. And it was clear that there many other competitors worth praise. Perhaps Roelly will shock us again tomorrow with something even more fantastic. Who knows, Kai Green was able to pull off quite a transformation at the Arnold Classic Columbus within the same day. So let’s see what Roelly can do in 24 hours. But at least we’ll always have that one moment. It’s what makes bodybuilding one of the best sports in the world. Win or lose – Roelly Winklaar put up a true spectacle. That’s what bodybuilding is all about. The pure passionate moments on stage that make the Mr. Olympia worth waiting for every year.

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