Arnold Classic 2018 Men’s 212 Prejudging Report: Taking A New Approach

The Arnold Classic 2018 featured a new approach to the 212 call out.

The Arnold Classic Men’s 212 prejudging took place today and offered up a new style of judging this year. Rather than having multiple call outs, Steve Weinberger and the other judges brought out every competitor in the line up. That’s right. There were no other call out rounds, making for a quicker pace and tighter presentation.
The competitors struck so many poses and were on stage so long that periodically the athletes needed to be wiped down as the accumulation of sweat was getting out of hand, all right in the middle of the call out.
Key competitors that stood out were Charles Dixon, Samir Troudi, and Kamal Elgargni. Charles Dixon was kept in the middle for majority of the call out, likely making him a favorite heading into finals.
Jose Raymond looked like a beast but, according to what we gleaned from the judging, didn’t have the aesthetics as the top 3. Jose was not called into the middle of the call out lineup the entire time. Despite that however, it’s clear that Jose Raymond is a fan favorite for sure. It would have really been interesting to see Hadi Choopan and how he would have matched up with the rest of the field.
The Arnold Classic 212 is definitely looking to have an impressive finale later tonight.
You can see the full list of the competitors below.
Gaetano Cisternino Jr.
Charles Dixon
Kamal Elgargni
David Henry
Kyung Won Kang
Jose Raymond
Samir Troudi
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