Best Supplements For Toning Women

Best Supplements For Toning Women

The only way to get a perfectly lean body is through hard work. A strong exercise regime, a healthy diet, and proper supplementation are key to getting the figure you want.

The first thing to consider when trying to gain strength and lose weight is nutrition, which accounts for around 80% of your result. Nutrition covers both your diet and supplements. Taking high-quality supplements can accelerate your progress and shape your physique to something that you can be proud of.

Many of the bodybuilding supplements that men use are also suitable for women. You don’t need to worry about suddenly expanding in size, physiologically as a woman; your body will not respond in the same way.

If your goal is to lose weight and tone up, then the two important supplements you should be taking are quality fat burners and protein. Depending on how sensitive you are to stimulants, you may want a fat burner with or without them. Here we will give you our top choice fat burners and protein powder to help you get the best results.

Weight Loss Supplements for Women

Weight loss comes down to eating right and exercising. However, fat burners are a powerful tool to help you shift that extra fat and build lean muscle. They work by:

  • Providing energy and focus so that you can maintain your workout and diet even on the tough days.
  • Increase your basal metabolic rate so that you can burn fat even when you are not working out.
  • Curbs food cravings.
  • Supplies you with essential nutrients to help you build muscle.

The best supplements for women are natural supplements with proven ingredients. These supplements support your body’s biological fat-burning processes. There is no magic solution to weight loss, but these supplements can give you an extra boost.

Best Fat Burning With Stimulants

Our top choice for a fat burner with stimulants is Fighters Core. The stimulants in this product will help to give you increased focus and energy.


The most important part of any supplement is the ingredients; let’s look at Fighter’s Core’s key elements.

Chromium Picolinate – Helps to curb food cravings due to its insulin-regulating properties.

Coleus Forskohlii – A stimulant that releases stored fat from fat cells. (1) It also suppresses appetite, aids digestion, increases metabolic rate and improves bone density.

Calcium HMB – Maintains healthy bones and encourages muscle growth.

Green Tea Extract- Green tea extract is a powerful antioxidant that can improve your mood and brain function. It also has fat burner properties, increasing fat oxidation by around 17%. (2).

Capsimax Cayenne Pepper – Has thermogenic and appetite-reducing effects.

Caffeine – Caffeine has been shown to help people work out harder and longer.

Fighters Core

Fighters core is a winning supplement. It consists of energy enhancers, appetite suppressants, and aids with muscle building. The ingredients are all well-researched, clinically dosed, natural, and vegan friendly.

It has been designed to help you to lose weight without losing out on hard-won muscle gains. They recommend you take three capsules per day for optimum fat loss.

Best Fat Burning Supplement Without Stimulants

If you are sensitive to stimulants such as caffeine, then you should avoid supplements that contain them. Although stimulants are effective at fat-loss, it is still possible to find high-quality and effective products. Our top choice here is Burn Lab Pro.


Calcium – A mineral responsible for bone density and strength. Supplementing with calcium has also been shown to aid muscle function and energy release. (3)

Chromium – Maintains blood sugar and therefore curbs food cravings. It also helps you to metabolize macronutrients.

HMB – A metabolite of leucine, one of the branched-chain amino acids. HMB effectively prevents the breakdown of muscle protein. When you are trying to lose fat, inevitably, you will also lose muscle. However, HMB will help to prevent some of that muscle breakdown.

Cayenne Pepper Extract – Has been included for its thermogenic effects, raising your body temperature and enabling your body to burn fat more effectively.

Coleus Forskohlii – Produces forskolin, an extract that can positively change body composition, including improving bone density. It has also been shown to help curb food cravings and fatigue. (4)

Burn Lab Pro

Burn Lab Pro stands out from other fat burners on the market because it is stim-free. It includes high-quality ingredients that work in synergy to reduce body fat and promote an ideal physique. All the ingredients are vegan friendly and infused with prebiotics. Take two-four capsules 15 minutes before training for the best results.

Best Protein Source for Toning

When trying to lose weight and tone up, you must continue to consume enough protein. Protein will help you to feel fuller for longer and curb food cravings. It also requires more energy to digest, so you burn more calories. Protein is essential for maintaining and building muscle, so if your goal is to be more toned then protein is key.

When you are eating at a calorie deficit, or you are following any restrictive diet such as veganism, getting enough protein can be challenging, which is why we recommend a high-quality protein powder.

The best supplements for women are those that are natural and easily digested. Whey protein is notorious for causing digestive problems, but when the digestive system is relaxed, you will have more energy, and your lifestyle changes are more likely to stick. Therefore swapping your whey protein supplements for vegan options could seriously improve your health.

Best Protein Source

Our top protein supplement is National Bodybuilding Co. Full Prep Vegan Protein Powder. It contains high-quality protein from both pea and rice, ensuring that you have all of the amino acids you need for protein synthesis. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals needed for maintaining and increasing fitness.


  • Organic Pea Protein (12,500mg),
  • Organic Rice Protein (12,500mg),        
  • Flavoring (cocoa, StevioPureâ„¢, Sweetly Stevia ®, and natural flavors).


Nutritional Facts

  • Calories -117
  • Protein – 20.5g
  • Carbohydrates –2g
  •  Natural fats – 3g
  • Sodium – Enhances flavor and boosts muscle fullness.
  • Vitamin D –Supports your body’s hormones and aids the absorption of calcium for healthy bones.
  • Calcium – Works alongside vitamin D to keep your joints and bones healthy.
  • Iron – Helps the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissue.
  • Potassium –Reduces cramping muscles and improves blood flow.

Full Prep Vegan Protein Powder

The Full Prep supplement is a great source of organic and naturally occurring protein. It will give your body what it needs to maintain and grow muscles and build A toned physic. For the best results, take post-workout.

National Body Building Co. is a trusted brand and has also designed a pre-workout supplement and A multivitamin supplement, which are both worth checking out.

Other Supplements for Women to Consider

When aiming for optimal health, other supplements might help you on your way; they include:

BCAAs –Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a combination of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs are taken to boost muscle growth and enhance exercise performance. Each amino acid is a building block for protein.

Multivitamin –Most of us do not get all of the vitamins and minerals we need from food alone, especially if eating at a calorie deficit. A daily supplement that contains vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc could result in massive improvements to your health.

Pre-Workout – These are supplements you take before workouts. They use ingredients such as creatine to give you extra energy and endurance. Many of them also aim to increase blood flow, which brings oxygen to the muscles.


When it comes to fitness, there is no quick answer. It takes hard work and daily dedication. To continue to work out and eat healthily, you need to feel your best to maintain motivation. But you don’t have to go at it alone; the right supplementation could give you more energy and help you on your journey to become toned and feel fabulous.

If you are new to supplements and wonder where to begin, prioritize protein powder and a natural fat burner and see where your journey takes you.

‘Sucess is not a goal to reach or a finish line to cross. It is a system to improve, an endless process to refine.’ – James Clear. (5)


  1. Litosch I, Hudson TH, Mills I, Li SY, Fain JN. Forskolin as an activator of cyclic AMP accumulation and lipolysis in rat adipocytes. Mol Pharmacol. 1982 Jul;22(1):109-15. PMID: 6289066.
  2. Michelle C Venables, Carl J Hulston, Hannah R Cox, Asker E Jeukendrup, Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 87, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 778–784,
  3. Berchtold MW, Brinkmeier H, Müntener M. Calcium ion in skeletal muscle: its crucial role for muscle function, plasticity, and disease. Physiol Rev. 2000 Jul;80(3):1215-65. doi: 10.1152/physrev.2000.80.3.1215. PMID: 10893434.
  4. Henderson S, Magu B, Rasmussen C, et al. Effects of coleus forskohlii supplementation on body composition and hematological profiles in mildly overweight women. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2005;2(2):54-62. Published 2005 Dec 9. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-2-2-54
  5. CLEAR, J. (2019). ATOMIC HABITS. [Place of publication not identified]: RANDOM House BUSINESS.
Jacob Ladon
Jacob Ladon is a staff writer and former amateur bodybuilder. He has been passionate about bodybuilding since he was 15 years old and discovered the joys of training in the gym. He reports and comments on all bodybuilding related matters.