Steroid Culture Clash

As a comic book fan, it’d be easy to take these instances as free advertisements for anabolic substances. Then I sit back and remind myself just how ludicrous that sounds and remember that it’s all fiction. Whether it can be an avenue to using anabolic steroids or not, the decision to use is entirely on the individual. It’d be a cop out to say “comics made me do it”. What, you don’t have a mind of your own?

Could comics actually have been used as an advocate for steroid usage? That’s a bit of a far-fetched notion, but it’s definitely an intriguing one. Steroids aren’t the worst thing ever, but it should be considered that if you’re a bodybuilder and a die hard fan of characters like the Hulk and Captain America, the anabolic route wouldn’t be out of the question for you. But like I said before, this isn’t to demonize steroid use, it’s not even to demonized these beloved characters. After all, each of these heroes are paragons of virtue.

At the end of the day we have somewhat of a hypocritcal notion going on here. With super hero movies and comics becoming more and more popular in the mainstream – the world has begun to glorify super-powered people but demonize super powered real life bodybuilders. Sure, superheros area all fiction but it’s that kind of clash in ideologies that makes it so frustrating that bodybuilding is still kept in the dark.


Is there a connection between superheroes and steroids? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

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