They don’t call him “Big Golias” for nothing.

Craig Golias is a truly massive person and deserving of the title Mass Monster. When it comes to bodybuilding – something that many newcomers struggle with is actually putting on the extra size. Sure you train your ass of in the gym and start to see some lean muscle… but how do you get to a truly monster-level size? How do you become a Goliath – if you will.

Well there’s no need to guess anymore because Big Golias himself has sat down at the Elite Labs booth to go into detail on how exactly he keeps that massive muscle packed on. No guides, no tips… just personal experience straight from the big guy’s mouth. Watch it in the video above!

What are your thoughts on Craig Golias’ advice? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to our official YouTube channel for updates on our latest shows. Stay pumped.

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GI Team
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