Looks like someone has found a creative way of getting around the CDC’s recommended “social distancing” during the coronavirus pandemic.
Those of us shut in at home under quarantine might be jealous of Bradley Martyn right now. He recently shared a funny video with fans over Instagram of himself and a group of friends exercising in the gym in hazmat suits. Well, that’s one creative way of getting around those coronavirus barriers. Take a look at the full post below to see for yourself.
If you are in one of the areas afflicted with a serious outbreak, remember to stay indoors and limit gatherings of more than 10 people in one place. Even if you aren’t over 65 or suffering from an underlying heart or lung condition, you can act as a carrier that can spread disease and worsen the pandemic. It’s important that we all take precautions during this critical period because our actions will determine how badly the pandemic will spread.
Regardless of these serious warnings, it’s important to find some ways to have fun and keep your spirits up during this worrisome time. Clearly, Bradley Martyn has done just that. All four of the men are in hazmat suits, even the spotters, which is definitely an extreme way to protect public safety. However, the video was shared before city governments shut down gyms in many states, including in New York and Los Angeles, two of the hardest hit areas.
If you’re looking for ways to keep working out while you’re out of the gym, there are plenty of home workouts available to you. You can find ways to stay safe and maintain your fitness even without regular access to a gym. It’s also probably safe to go for a walk or light jog around your neighborhood as long as you keep your distance from other people. Just make sure to keep hand sanitizer on you and wash your hands after doing things like opening doorknobs, gates, touching elevator buttons, or anything where you could potentially be in contact with a surface that has germs.
Most people affected by the coronavirus will get better without having to go to the hospital, so there’s no need for widespread panic. Most of the measures are just to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. Especially if you’re relatively young and healthy and regularly go to the gym, your chances of getting hit hard by this disease are almost zero. Just make sure to take the precautions you need to take and follow all government-issued warnings and CDC recommendations. The situation is also likely to improve in the US as testing becomes more widely available. Going to the gym in a full hazmat suit is probably a bit far, but who knows. Let’s see where we’re at in a few weeks; maybe everyone will be doing this soon enough.
*All images and media courtesy of Instagram.