Exercise Guides

Seated Leg Curl – Exercise Guide

Seated Leg Curl (Hamstrings) - Exercise Guide Muscles worked: Hamstrings Equipment needed: Seated Leg Curl Machine Instructions 1. Sit on a seated leg curl machine so that your back is...

Jeff Nippard’s PERFECT Back and Bicep Workout

Jeff Jeff Nippard’s science-supported pull day workout Jeff Nippard, the Canadian natural bodybuilder, powerlifter, and YouTuber, who is famous for utilizing science-backed training, diet, and...

Jay Cutler Does the Lying French Press, Discusses Benefits for Triceps...

Jay Cutler explained the difference between the lying French press and skull crusher. Jay Cutler is one of the top bodybuilders of all time and continues...

Seated Back Extension – Exercise Guide

Seated Back Extension (Lower Back) - Exercise Guide Muscles worked: Lower Back Equipment needed: Back Extension Machine Instructions 1. Adjust the machine so that you're sitting in an upright position...

How the Seated Barbell Shoulder Press Enhances Deltoid Activation

The seated barbell shoulder press removes your core and legs from the equation.  The seated barbell shoulder press is a highly effective exercise for developing...

7 Part Mark Sandor Workout Series: Skull Crusher Gauntlet Sets for...

Sandor teaches you how to up the intensity of skull crushers to increase tricep hypertrophy.  Are you up to date with our 7-Part exclusive Mutant...

Muscle Clean: How to and Exercise Guide

The muscle clean builds strength and power and improves Olympic lifting.  Are you ready for an explosive workout that targets your total body? Look no...

Reeves Deadlift Exercise Guide — How to, Muscles Worked, & Benefits

The Reeves deadlift activates other muscles compared to other deadlift variations.  The deadlift is a fundamental hip-dominant compound movement widely popular in gyms worldwide (1)....

Overhead Bar Extension Exercise Guide — Muscles Worked, Benefits, & Alternatives

Using an EZ bar to perform overhead bar extensions will reduce wrist strain and optimize the range of motion.  Numerous exercises can be performed using...

ATG Squat Exercise Guide: How to, Tips, Benefits, and Alternatives

Ass to grass squats engages your lower body muscles to their full extent.  The ass-to-grass squat, or ATG, involves squatting deep enough for your hips...