13,00 push up headerImagine this as a workout finisher.

When it comes to bodybuilding many athletes focus more on resistance training than anything else. There’s certainly wrong with that notion especially if you consider the fact that resistance training builds the most quality muscle. Hypertrophy through resistance training is a foregone conclusion if you’re working out the right way. But for whatever reason there is a contingent if individuals who believe that doing body weight exercises is useless for getting into massive and shredded condition. While it’s true that push ups alone won’t turn you into a mass monster it does have it’s uses. Chief among it’s uses is developing functional strength.

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You can easily compare a body weight movement like push ups to a popular exercise that every bodybuilder, mixed martial artist, and every other athlete implements in their training program: the squat. Just like squats, push ups are a multi-joint exercise meaning that multiple different body parts are at play when performing the exercise. The multiple muscle groups required to perform the movement can indeed translate to strength gains.

Besides strength push ups make a great finisher on both chest and arm day. With simple adjustments you can give your chest an amazing pump or bolster your arm gains. If done with the right intensity and explosive movement it can definitely promote hypertrophy.

If you want to see the benefits of push ups then just check out the below video. Brett Masserant decided to set a world record by performing 13,186 push ups in just eight hours. How’s that for a workout finisher.

Are push ups apart of your workout finisher?

Let us know by hitting up our comments below or head on over to our official Facebook and Twitter.

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