Ger Rid of Moobs, Love Handles, and Belly Fat For Good

Stubborn Belly Fat

Is a doughy paunch around your lower belly blocking your lower abs? Chances are you’re suffering the effects of low testosterone and high cortisol.


You can fix your testosterone by taking a rest. Extensive, hard hitting workouts have actually been found to lower testosterone in most fitness enthusiasts, so try adding an extra rest day or getting some extra hours of sleep. Other than than that there are many testosterone boosters you can find in your local supplement shop to give you that eye of the tiger.

Cortisol is actually a good thing. It was given to us by mother nature so in times of flight or flight we would have the energy to respond. The problem comes when we’re constantly stress and our hormone levels never get to return to normal. Too much of one thing is good for no-thing. The answer could be as simple as taking a walk, journaling your thoughts, or finding some extra time for yourself. The point is to set your life up in a way that manages your daily stresses. If you still need a little extra help, try Rhodiola (2 to 4 capsules daily) for managing stress, and phosphatidyl serin (800 mg. per day) to lower cortisol. You should see results in a matter of weeks.

These are our 3 tips to help cut the fat. Why not have the body you want today? Try these 3 suggestions and get ever so closer to your aesthetic goals.

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