Uncanny… without the muscle.

Odds are there is at least one person out there who looks almost identical to us. You see it all the time and find yourself saying, “I saw this guy who looked JUST like you!” Well, after years of watching bodybuilders on stage we started noticing something here at Generation Iron – there are a lot of uncanny celebrity look-alikes in the bodybuilding world. So if you ever wanted to know what Michael Jackson would have looked like if he gained 150 pounds of pure uncompromising muscle, look no further, because we’re counting down the top 6 bodybuilders who look so much like their celebrity doppelgangers… you’d swear they were related! Watch it above!

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GI Team
The GI Team is here to provide top news and original content for the new generation. The generation of bodybuilders who are pushing the sport to bigger and better places. Join The Movement. Become a part of Generation Iron!