Generation Iron, Jim Manion, Bodybuilding, InterviewThe legendary Jim Manion offers his insight into Generation Iron.

Jim Manion is one of the biggest names in the bodybuilding world. While he was a competitive bodybuilder in his youth and took home many first place trophies –  he is truly legendary because he is one of the key members of the Mr. Olympia itself. He is currently a chairman on the NPC and also president of IFBB pro. He’s also head judge at the Mr. Olympia competition. Basically, he oversees who wins.

We went searching through our vaults and pulled out this never before seen exclusive interview. Jim Manion opens up about his thoughts on the Generation Iron film, Kai and Phil’s rivalry, and how the sport of bodybuilding has changed over the years. It’s particularly inspiring to hear him talk about how much the NPC and IFBB have grown since its inception.

“When I competed myself I competed in the YMCA, in school ballrooms, standing on top of picnic tables underneath the basketball hoop – and even back in the days of pumping iron it was never as big as it is now. I mean here we are holding it to ten thousand people for Mr. Olympia. It’s unbelievable.”

-Jim Manion

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