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Generation Iron Quote of the Week Phil Heath

Generation Iron Phil Heath Quote

Sometimes you just need to have your ass handed to you.

Bodybuilding fans are divided about Phil Heath. Some find him inspirational and the new face of an ever growing sport – while others find him arrogant and cocky. There’s one thing that you can’t argue with though, he’s earned the four Mr. Olympia’s that he’s already won – and will probably go on to win a few more (maybe even break the record of 8 Sandows in a row). And for that very reason we picked Phil Heath for a quote of the week today. He’s obviously doing something right and is a prime example of hard work paying off in the long run.

It’s hard to think of someone kicking Phil Heath’s ass at this point – but before he became a superstar, he’s paid his dues. And it very well be those early years of getting beat that gave him the drive to become the champion that he is today.


If you want to read even more motivational quotes – check out our Quote of the Week page where you can download gritty HD picks of your favorite quotes! Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Bikini Diaries Ink Tattoo

A new tattoo and a new exercise machine.

This latest Bikini Diaries is all about trying new things. Our very own Krystal Lavenne dives head first into getting a brand new tattoo and records it live as it’s happening. She also tries out a new hairstyle. And then of course – she tries out a new machine during her latest workout that leads to… interesting results. Check it all out in the latest episode above!

Make sure to hit us up on our official GI Forum and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on our latest and greatest shows. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Top Wrestlers

Shredded in the ring.

Bodybuilding and wrestling might not have a lot in common but it does have one major thing in common – lifting some heavy ass weights. Not all wrestlers have shredded or impressive physiques. Some might not even have a respectable physique at all. But then there are the exceptions, the massively shredded wrestlers that perhaps in another life could have been successful bodybuilders on the stage. Today we’re counting down the top 5 wrestlers with physiques so impressive it will motivate you to hit the gym right now and bang out the workout of your life. Check it out in the video above.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in our official GI Forums and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates on our daily videos. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Kai Greene or CT Fletcher

Generation Iron Kai Greene or CT Fletcher

Is CT Fletcher the Kai Greene of My Magnificent Obsession?

Every week, Iron Cinema will connect you with Generation Iron director Vlad Yudin. Giving you unprecedented inside access to the creative process behind his upcoming film, CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession. Get a first hand look at the entire journey of CT Fletcher to the big screen – from stories on set of films like Generation Iron and CT Fletcher all the way to exclusive behind-the-scene looks at our newest documentary. This week Vlad decides to pit two of the most popular weight lifting personalities against each other.

I don’t think it’s a secret that Kai Greene stood out the most from the rest of the cast of the Generation Iron movie.  Right at the very beginning his look grabbed attention.  His features. His scars. But when he started talking – people got mesmerized.  His story became relatable right away and won instant support from the viewers.

Sure people can easily relate to the underdog.  But it’s not just his story that made him SPECIAL, it’s the way he told it.  With Kai it’s never a simple answer.  He put thoughts in his words and made them flow like poetry. He’s soft spoken and calm and yet he is capable to inspire people that watch him on screen and then stand in line for hours just to shake his hand.

Many believe that he was the key character in the film, and yet we only scratched the surface of his story, as we had to showcase 7 other men competing that year.

So I think the real reason why Kai stood out – is because his presence and words were able to captivate and inspire people. In just one scene. One minute. Even one second.

Which brings us to the new film about a different type of inspirational figure and a legendary powerlifter (and former bodybuilder)… CT FLETCHER.

You can pre order the film RIGHT NOW above!

Just like Kai – CT is a sensation who brings out crowds of fans at the fitness expos across the world. This new film is focused entirely on him and his story.  The initial question that people ask is – “WHY? Why do we want to see this? He is obnoxious…  All he does is curse and scream…  This is in no way inspirational.  He is no where close to being as interesting of a character as Kai….”

You’ve probably heard it all before.

First of all this is the WRONG way of thinking.  You have to look below the surface.  Their approach is different.  At times CT’s hardcore method of expressing himself might be intimidating to the audience.  But most of us just fail to listen closely and explore further.

Unlike his training videos – MY MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION will feature a different side of CT, a more intimate one.  He calls himself a SUPERMAN FROM COMPTON and an IRON ADDICT and at first look he seems unbreakable.  But after his heart surgery, CT realized that he was “just an insignificant loudmouth motherFU##A”.  CT’s story of a comeback and deciding to go against his doctor’s orders to return to the gym is astonishing. You can recognize that in a minute. A second. An instant.

I believe that once people see this film they would fall in love with CT’s story same way they did with Kai’s.  The difference is that CT doesn’t have any supporting cast.  The whole film is about him.  There is no Phil or Branch… no 7 other bodybuilders sucking up the attention.  It’s just all CT (and his crew.)

So will his story be able to carry on and keep your interest for over an hour? Will he become memorable? YES. But you will find out for yourself soon. Just pay attention…



Generation Iron Furious Pete

Generation Iron Furious Pete

Competitive eater gets some tough news…

In a heartfelt video, competitive eater, YouTube star, and fellow fitness enthusiast Furious Pete revealed yesterday that he is in fact going through his second bout with cancer.  In the YouTube video, Furious Pete, real name Peter Czerwinski, explains to his over 2 million viewers the reason why he hasn’t “seemed like his joyful self” lately and for his visible weight loss.

His first bout with Testicular cancer came just a few days after his return from the 2014 Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas. After noticing all was not quiet on the southern front he went in for an ultrasound which ultimately revealed a large cancerous mass above his left testicle. A horror story for any man, Pete decided that with a 75% chance of success he had no option but to have the surgery done and the left testicle removed.

Furious Pete

End of story right? Been there, done that, happy ending. Unfortunately for Pete and many cancer patients, the story doesn’t end there. After high HCG levels were reported on his blood test, a CT scan showed that his lymph nodes had expanded and he was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer, “Cancer grows, that’s what it does…”

There is hope however. After much deliberation with with doctors and other sources Pete has chosen to undergo radiation therapy. While there is still a 10% chance Chemotherapy may still be necessary as there may be tiny particles that can’t be detected at present. Radiation is believed by many to be less intrusive and an all around better alternative to Chemo.

If you’re interested in the science behind testicular cancer or just would like to follow Furious Pete on his journey please follow his “Beating Cancer Vlogs” link in video. Furious Pete – I believe I speak for everyone at Generation Iron when I say get better friend and know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

What’s your favorite Furious Pete moment? Let us know in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Cheat Meals Can Actually Make You Lose More Weight

Generation Iron Cheat Meals

Sometimes it’s good to cheat.

The current prevalence of obesity is estimated in approximately 400 million people worldwide. The main issue with dieting is that its easy to lose weight, but keeping it off is the bigger issue.  Lets face it, dieting sucks.  For years, the concept of dieting has always been to stick to your diet, no matter what.  Over the last few years, the concept of dieting has changed and previous research has found that incorporating periodic cheat meals in your diet not only helps out psychologically, but it can also boost your metabolism, you can also use tools and calculators like TDEE Calculators to find out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and no need is sticking to a calorically restricted diet year round sound advice.

Cheat meals improve leptin production levels. Leptin is the hormone that encourages metabolism of fat and at the same time, it manages appetite. Normally, the leptin level in the body is reduced after one week of dieting, however,  this level is restored to the normal level during cheat days. Therefore, the body is once again prepared to burn fat and to contain appetite for the next diet week. Cheat meals also lessen cravings during non-cheat days. Foods that can be eaten during cheat days reduce the desire to eat the same foods when dieting. Cheat meals are designed to keep you sane, as our natural compulsions usually take the better of us, a cheat meal helps normalize cravings and keeps you on track with your diet plan or exercise regime.

A cheat meal is a meal that has been designated to one day of any type of food you like.  Some cheat meals include pizza, cakes and other foods that make eating and dieting more exciting. Previous research has shown that while on a caloric restricted diet, metabolic rate often drops but when a high caloric meal is consumed, metabolism increases.  Strict weight loss diet works better if you bend the rules occasionally.

A new study demonstrates how powerful cheat meals can be to helping you achieve weight loss.  The researchers did trials with two groups each of 37 women with a BMI of 25-37. The women were aged between 26 and 50.

Find out how you can use cheat meals to lose weight on page 2!



Generation Iron Victoria Lomba and Larissa Reis

The dynamic duo back together again.

Victoria Lomba and Larissa Reis are well known fitness models and competitors. Bucking the trend that not all attractive models need to be malnourished, skinny, and weak. And this training video at Gold’s Gym proves it. This isn’t some glamour shot training photo shoot. This is real hard training to get a killer physique Check it out in the video above!

Let us know what you think about Vicky and Larissa’s training videos on our official GI Forum and don’t forget to subscribe to YouTube for updates on our daily videos. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Phil Heath Mr. Olympia Prep

Generation Iron Phil Heath Mr. Olympia Prep

The Gift’s road to Mr. Olympia 2015.

Many people already think the 2015 Mr. Olympia competition has already been decided. Though a great deal of fans are advocating that now is Kai Greene’s time or that Big Ramy is looking too impressive to be stopped, a great majority of bodybuilding fans are coming to the conclusion that the four time reigning champ Phil Heath will be the one to take top honors at the show.

Does that mean Phil is being gifted a win? Not at all. Like any other top level bodybuilder, Heath knows that the only way he can stay on top is by treating each year as a new challenge. He has won the title of Mr. Olympia for four straight years, but that doesn’t mean he can rest. If anything it presents an entirely different and even more difficult challenge when compared to the other competitors. Though they may come up short each year they still have a bench mark that they aim, a goal that they can continuously reach for. But has the champion you have to have a whole different resolve in order to continuously come out on top.


Each time you win a championship you can’t be content with your abilities. You have to improve upon a physique that many of the judges and onlookers will say is already perfect. After winning or losing the Olympia you have to start from zero all over again. It’s a fact Phil knows well and it’s perhaps the one reason he manages to keep winning. Phil understands that even if he’s the #1 bodybuilder one year, he has to train hard in order to be considered the king for the next.

Pro bodybuilding is about making constant improvements and in order to do that you have to train like a mad man, which is exactly what Phil Heath has been doing during his down time. Phil Heath has been posting up traiing videos on his road to Mr. Olympia every week and a complete compilation has been put together on YouTube. Check out the kind of training Phil has been undergoing in order to dominate this years event.


Who do you think will win the 2015 Mr. Olympia? Let us know what you think in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Police Protein Powder

Generation Iron Police Protein Powder

Protein is one hell of a drug.

So it seems like the world is starting to a little bit crazy. First Busta Rhymes decides to turn protein into a weapon by throwing a bottle right at the face of another man in the gym – and now the police force in Florida are raiding houses because… well, because they thought a scoop of protein powder was cocaine.

Generatoin Iron Tweet Protein Raid

We’re not joking. Spot Me Bro recently reported a botched house raid of a UCF frat house when the cleaning staff called the authorities about a “suspicious white powder.” This lead to road closures and a big police raid of the frat house. The powder was confiscated and tested only to reveal the possible drug was, in fact, protein powder.

Look, we’ve all thought it or made a joke about it. Sure as hell protein powder looks like cocaine. But the joke gets taken to a whole other level when local authorities legit raid a house hoping for a drug bust. Hey, they’re just doing their jobs – but it’s still damn funny.

Generation Iron Snorting Protein

Generation Iron Krystal Pre Workout


“Feed Me MORE!” The 8-10 Meal Diet Of A WWE Superstar

Generation Iron 8-10 Diet WWE

MASSive diet.

Dieting is the number one most important rule of being a successful bodybuilder. To many, food is treated as more of a delicacy than a source of energy. For all dedicated athletes, bodybuilders included, food can be looked on as nothing more than fuel. Jay Cutler said it best, “I don’t eat for taste, I eat for function.” In order for the body to function through the tough training sessions, the hours spent in the gym lifting considerable weight, the time after training when the body needs to recover, food is the number one key to success.

Just like bodybuilders, other professional athletes must push themselves to the limit not just physically, but mentally as well. The diet is the key to making things run smoothly. The harder you train then more calories your body is likely to require. It’s the reason why WWE talent Ryan Reeves, also known as Ryback, is so adamant about filling his stomach to capacity. The pro wrestler eats an astounding 8-10 meals per day. Check out what Ryback had to say about his eating habits.

“Chicken, brown rice – I’m big on complex carbohydrates. I’m pretty bland in what I eat, I’ll eat the same things over and over again – chicken, turkey, tuna salmon and protein shakes. I try to eat well every meal. Every meal I try to better myself that’s the goal and I try and stay away from foods that are not going to benefit me. I have to constantly feed myself because of the schedule I’m on and now how much physical activity I’m doing whether I’m in the weight room, doing cardio vascular conditioning or flexibility program, I’m constantly doing something so I have to keep my calories in me so I have my size and strength and power in me when I get into the ring. You have to feed the machine … I actually feel like I have gotten in better shape since I have been on the road.”

Could all of those meals really be that healthy? Well it looks like someone got to the bottom of that question when Ryback was on WWE’s talent development reality show Tuff Enuff, which documented his eating habits to hilarious effect.

Ryan Reeves can’t stop eating. by piledrivingcritique

Are 8-10 meals overdoing it at all or is Ryback training really just that intense? Let us know what you think in the comments and GI forum. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.