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Generation Iron Big Ramy Mr. O

Generation Iron Big Ramy Mr. O

Look out for the wild card.

Bodybuilding is a game all about perfection. The top of the food chain usually take the same spots at a given event, Phil Heath number one, Kai Greene number two, Shawn Rhoden or Dennis Wolf number three. Rarely do we see any shake ups where the rankings are concerned and even at this years Olympia event – the positioning is likely to be identical to last years. But just like any other sport there’s always that X factor, a competitor that could shake things up, put a wrench into the best laid plans. It’s for this reason that we tune in to the Mr. Olympia and Arnold Sports Festival events throughout the year. We want to see who, if anyone, will be that X factor.

If you haven’t heard it already allow us to fill you in. Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay is going to be a major threat to that Olympia crown. At the 2015 Arnold Classic the Egyptian bodybuilder destroyed a field that consisted of up and comer Cedric McMillan along with veterans Juan Morel and Victor Martinez. Considering the level of competition he’s been up against, plus his breaking the top ten in last years Olympia event, it’s no wonder that Big Ramy is getting all this attention.

Weighing in at over three hundred pounds at the Arnold Classic, it appears that Big Ramy is of the mind to set some records this year. His conditioning is getting steadily better, his form is shredded and he has a pretty solid posing routine to tie things up in a nice package. It’s looking likely that the Egyptian standout could force the upset this year.

It’s pretty rare that current top competitors would throw another bodybuilder’s name around as being the threat to take the number one spot in the world. Usually they’re more likely to say “the field needs to watch out for me!” and be done with it. But it seems that there’s another pro who believes that Big Ramy will pose a major threat to Phil Heath’s crown. Take a look.


Short and right to the point, Ben Pakulski isn’t afraid to say what a lot of people are thinking – Big Ramy might be able to take down Phil Heath among others. Could this all be a fools dream? Wishful thinking? Let us know in the comments below be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron East Coast Mecca Juan Morel

The training and lifestyle of Juan Morel.

A lot of pro bodybuilders frequent the East Coast Mecca when it comes time to train for big competitions. But there is no pro who is more dedicated to the Bev Francis gym than recent New York Pro champion Juan Morel. In this week’s episode we highlight the training, diet, and lifestyle of Juan Morel just a few months before the big New York Pro competition. Before he knew that he’d be the champion on the East Coast… well, maybe deep down he knew he was ready for a big win all along. Check out the latest episode just above!

Let us know what you think about East Coast Mecca by hitting up our official GI Forums or sound off on our Facebook and Twitter. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Lee Priest Bostin Loyd

Generation Iron Lee Priest Bostin Loyd

The bodybuilding rivalry that’s flying under the radar.

In the world of bodybuilding rivalries seem to be all the rage. It looks as if you’re in the fitness industry then you better find someone with an opposing viewpoint and question it thoroughly. When it’s done for laughs or for no reason other than jealousy or self promotion it can be a bit childish. But when it comes down to a difference in philosophy, one that each person believes in, then things get a bit more interesting and become a whole lot more meaningful.

Such is the case between Lee Priest and Bostin Loyd. The two men have recently sparked rivalry that appears to be escalating. Priest seems to have a truly fundamental issue with the opinions of Loyd. An amateur bodybuilder with growing internet following, Bostin Loyd is a young man who is a firm believer in using PEDs in his pursuit of gaining more size and muscle. Loyd is a true believer in the notion that bodybuilding has less to do about genetics and more to do with nutrition and performance enhancers.


It seems this has rubbed Lee Priest the wrong way as the long time bodybuilder believes Llyod to be a dangerous element, particularly to those looking to pursue bodybuilding long term. Priest seems to be of the opinion that Loyd ideology could be giving the wrong image of bodybuilding. He believes that Loyd’s advice could end up truly damaging any of the younger viewers who look up to the internet fitness personality.

Check out just exactly what Priest thinks of Bostin Loyd in the video below.

But if you thought that Loyd was going to take that lying down then you’re dead wrong. Head on over to the next page to see Loyd’s video response to Lee Priest.


Generation Iron Flex Wheeler Movie

Generation Iron Flex Wheeler Movie

Dare2Dream: The Flex Wheeler Story.

Four time Arnold Classic Champion Flex Wheeler has recently announced the launch of his brand new feature documentary set for DVD release. Titled Dare2Dream: The Flex Wheeler Story, the movie will supposedly cover his entire life and journey to the pro bodybuilding stage all the way to becoming a legend in the industry.

The doc will feature previously unreleased footage of Flex Wheeler in his prime and promises unprecedented access into the life of the icon bodybuilder. Featuring insights from Ronnie Coleman, Shawn Ray, Dorian Yates, Charles Glass, and Kevin Lavrone – it seems that this DVD won’t hold anything back.

You can preorder the movie right now by visiting www.D2DMovie.com – check out the trailer below:

New Rare Footage: Does Anyone Train As Hard As Ronnie Coleman?

Generation Iron Ronnie Coleman Rare Footage

One of the most dedicated lifter ever.

There’s no doubt about it; training for professional bodybuilding is a pretty tall task. Of all the sporting endeavors an athlete could participate in, it’s certainly one of the toughest to prepare for. The attention to detail, the criteria the judges are looking for, the shear will and determination to constantly improve, all of it can be tough to deal with. It takes a level of cold and calculating honesty in order to make consistent gains show after show, specifically for the bodybuilding pro.

When you consider how difficult it is to win a normal pro show, being able to make the adjustments needed to win the king of all bodybuilding events, the Mr. Olympia competition, is an even more challenging task. For men like Lee Haney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dorian Yates, and Ronnie Coleman to so thoroughly dominate the competition in the way they did is truly a remarkable achievement. Coleman in particular was truly impressive in his bodybuilding dominance as he faced off against men like Flex Wheeler, Shawn Ray, Kevin Levrone, Jay Cutler, and list of other beastly challengers.

But Coleman’s dominance was in no a way a case of good fortune. The bodybuilding legend earned every title that he captured for the simple fact that he was always looking to improve upon himself. He was a tireless workhorse who was always open to advice and who always trained his ass of when the time came. Ronnie Coleman isn’t a man who simply rests on his laurels. He was always looking to achieve the perfect form through hard work and dedication and nothing highlights that more than the video below.

After dominating the competition for eight straight years, Coleman would still get into the gym and train hard. After taking home his eight Sandow trophy, the Olympia champ was in the gym training legs like a beast just five days after taking home the Sandow. Take a look at this video just recently posted by the former champ himself.


Is there a bodybuilder with more work ethic than Ronnie Coleman? Tell us your thoughts in the comments and forums. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Kai and Phil Buddies

Generation Iron Kai and Phil Buddies

A different look at two of the most heated competitors in bodybuilding.

The state of the open weight bodybuilding scene has never been more hectic. The rivalry between the two best bodybuilders in the world, Phil Heath and Kai Greene, has turned the sport on its head. Whether it be for better or for worse remains to be seen, but no one can deny that the heated feud has been entertaining.

It’s precisely what most onlookers tune in for when watching a competitive event. They want to see that passion, the desire to win. The raw emotion that athletes must infuse into an endeavor can be truly overwhelming and fans want an inside look. We must remember that at the end of the day bodybuilding is as much about business as it is about building the ultimate physique, which is what makes Phil and Kai’s rivalry all the more intriguing.

Though it may be true that feuds can sell tickets and get fans fired up about events, it has to be noted that the number one and two bodybuilders in the world weren’t always on bad terms. Indeed there was a time where Phil Heath and Kai Greene weren’t at each others throats. There was a time that despite their budding rivalry and competitive spirit that they were on good terms with one another, so much so that they trained together. Take a look at this rare footage that shows Phil and Kai in the gym as focused training partners.


Many have said the rivalry is fake, fabricated to garner more attention and sell tickets. Others, including Phil Heath himself, explain that the rivalry is definitely alive and well. Either way, it’s pretty interesting to see that the two men at the top of the sport were able to put their differences aside and work together at some point, whether for publicity or promotion. It’s important to note that while this video was put online this year – the video is most definitely from an earlier time – perhaps even before Generation Iron was released. Regardless, these days you realize just how rare a thing it was to see these men cooperating together.

What’s your take on the rivalry? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Heaven Shall Burn Workout Song

Generation Iron Heaven Shall Burn Workout Song

Burn down the gym with epic lifts.

The 2015 Tampa Pro occurred over the weekend. The event marked the final pro competition before the Mr. Olympia event next month. With the Olympia right around the corner, the pros are making the final touches on their physiques. Maxx Charles took the top spot at the competition. Though he may not qualify for the prestigious Las Vegas based Olympia competition, the win will give him the kind of confidence boost he needs going forward in his bodybuilding career. Just like Charles, any average Joe can excel and make some great gains and build great experience. As such, it’s the beginning of a new week which means it’s time to get your ass back in the gym.

This song will get you fired up in the gym to get all the gains you seek. Burn fat and pack on muscle with this track from Heaven Shall Burn. “Valhalla” is a high intensity track off the group’s album, VETO that’s sure to put some adrenaline into your lifts.

This Week’s Pick

Song: Valhalla
Artist: Heaven Shall Burn
Album: VETO

Crank up some Heaven Shall Burn and hit the iron hard. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!

Check back next week for the GI workout song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Generation Iron Mr. Olympia backstage

An inside look backstage at the biggest competition in the world.

Every year the Mr. Olympia competition comes around to mass amounts of excitement and press coverage. It’s the biggest event of the year in the industry – the Super Bowl of bodybuilding if you will. And if you’re a fan of bodybuilding at all – you’ve probably seen the flash, bang, and intensity of the Mr. Olympia competition stage. What you don’t get to see very often is what happens behind the stage. We gave you a glimpse in the Generation Iron movie – but now we have more extended takes from backstage to give you a first hand look at how the competitors deal with the stress and challenge of the biggest competition of the year. Check it out in the video above:

If you want even more videos like this make sure to subscribe to our official YouTube channel. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Powerlifter vs Calisthenics

Generation Iron Powerlifter vs Calisthenics

The ultimate lifting challenge.

When it comes to lifting there is always a ton of debate about which way is the “right” way to lift and gain massive amounts of strength. There are bodybuilders always looking for size and aesthetics over functional strength; you have powerlifters just trying to build up their strength for the best damn rep of their lives; and then you have more functional strength methods such as crossfit or calisthenics – where you build strength using mostly your own body weight.

At the end of the day the debate between these many different methods of training and competition are all petty squabbles and up to personal preference. What really matters is whether or not you can lift some heavy ass weight. You want to be strong? Then find the best way for you to build the kind of strength and mass you are looking for and stick with it. There is no true “better” type of iron junky or gym rat. But dammit it’s still fun to compare the different methods once in a while.


This video is a perfect example, who would win in a face off between a powerlifter and a master of calisthenics? Well the guys over at Bodybuilding Rev spent the time to put together a evenly matched battle of strength wars to see what happens when a powerlifter battles calisthenics in an all out street competition of lifting. The tagline for Bodybuild Rev’s Stength Wars series is: “So you think you’re a tough guy? PROVE IT!” And these two lifters really do go all out to prove once and for all which is the stronger.

Will the powerlifter prove himself to be the victor? Or will Calisthenics rise above? Find out in the video below:

What do you think of this lifting challenge? Does it even really matter? Let us know in our official GI Forums or hit us up on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Stay pumped!


Generation Iron Pro Bodybuilders React to Arnold

Generation Iron Pro Bodybuilders React to Arnold

Are the modern pros on the same page as Arnold?

Bodybuilding is all about shaping the muscles in the body into a form that is either aesthetically pleasing to the bodybuilder themselves or to admirers. Knowing just exactly where to stop is an art in and of itself. The mission for a bodybuilder is not only building massive muscle, but knowing exactly how far they should take it.

In recent years the focus has shifted from building an extremely aesthetic physique to building more and more muscle. If you’re a lover of the Golden Era of bodybuilding in the 1970’s then you admire the frames that men like Sergio Oliva, Franco Columbu, Frank Zane, and Arnold Schwarzenegger built. Their forms focused a great deal on symmetry and building a truly aesthetic form. It wasn’t solely about being big or even extremely shredded. They focused more on building a body that was well proportioned and strong. Of course they wanted to be shredded, of course they wanted the muscle, but they had an understanding that they wanted to look physically impressive and superior to the average man while still maintaining a form that could be considered closer to “normal.”


Everyone has their opinion on what the perfect body is and each individual will have to decide on what that means to them. But one person whose been voicing his opinions on how a bodybuilder should truly look is the great Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. The Austrian Oak has gone on record stating that the bodybuilders of today have built physiques that are far too muscular and are less aesthetic. It’s the opinion of a man from a different era and that opinion is sparking some interesting responses from the bodybuilders of today. Take a look at the video by RX Muscle as pro bodybuilders weigh in on Arnold’s comments.

Whose opinion do you agree with? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.