Burn down the gym with epic lifts.
The 2015 Tampa Pro occurred over the weekend. The event marked the final pro competition before the Mr. Olympia event next month. With the Olympia right around the corner, the pros are making the final touches on their physiques. Maxx Charles took the top spot at the competition. Though he may not qualify for the prestigious Las Vegas based Olympia competition, the win will give him the kind of confidence boost he needs going forward in his bodybuilding career. Just like Charles, any average Joe can excel and make some great gains and build great experience. As such, it’s the beginning of a new week which means it’s time to get your ass back in the gym.
This song will get you fired up in the gym to get all the gains you seek. Burn fat and pack on muscle with this track from Heaven Shall Burn. “Valhalla” is a high intensity track off the group’s album, VETO that’s sure to put some adrenaline into your lifts.
This Week’s Pick
Song: Valhalla
Artist: Heaven Shall Burn
Album: VETO
Crank up some Heaven Shall Burn and hit the iron hard. You’ve got no time to be lazy. Get those gains!
Check back next week for the GI workout song of the week and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.