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Generation Iron Olympia UpdateWith only 23 days before Mr. Olympia -we get the update of who will be qualifying.

In case you missed it, NPC News Online posted two days ago the most up-to-date Mr. Olympia qualification standings. With the Mr. Olympia only less than a month away – we can help but get pumped up to see all these great athletes take the stage and duke it out for the coveted Sandow trophy.

Here’s the official list of Mr. Olympia qualification standings:

Phil Heath
Kai Greene
Dennis Wolf
Shawn Rhoden
Dexter Jackson
Ibrahim Fahim (Amateur Olympia World overall winner)
Justin Compton
Steve Kuclo
Branch Warren
Mamdouh Elssbiay
Juan Morel
Roelly winklaar
William Bonac
Victor Martinez


If you’d like to see all of the qualification results, you can head on over to NPC New Online to see a breakdown of every division. Stay tuned for more updates on the 2014 Mr. Olympia updates as we count down to the 5oth Mr. Olympia competition! For the most up to date info – be sure to follow us on our official Facebook and Twitter pages.


Generation Iron Workout Mistakes

Generation Iron Workout Mistakes

Top bodybuilder training mistakes to avoid.

Going to the gym is one of the key components to bodybuilding. You hit the weights, work hard, and get results. You do this every week; every month; every year. All in the hopes of growing stronger, building that physique into your idea of perfection. But as you do this day in and day out – you start to get into a groove, a routine if you will.

Turning weight training into a habit is fantastic. When it becomes second nature it also becomes less of a chore – but what happens when you get into such a comfortable groove that you start to develop bad habits?

It’s very easy to lose sight of the mistakes you are making in a workout when it all becomes routine. Are you working out wrong? Let us help you find out by listing the top training mistakes that you should avoid.

Resting Too Long Between Sets

Generation Iron Rest

Sometimes it happens without you even realizing it. The rest between your sets are getting a little bit longer than they used to. Your daily workout is becoming so routine that you are losing a second here and a second there.

General consensus is that the optimal rest time between sets for maximal gains is around 30-90 seconds. Make sure you stick to that number or else you’ll start to notice that you aren’t getting the kind of results you are working so hard for.


Generation Iron Ice Bucket Challenge Phil HeathIt’s time to ice down those swollen muscles.

You all know it; almost everyone and their mother has done it; and it’s basically taken the entire world by storm – it’ s the ALS ice bucket challenge. This initiative has brought a ton of wonderful awareness and donations towards the ALS foundation and has been a fantastic movement towards a better future for those suffering with ALS. It’s also been an entertaining thing to watch – between our favorite celebrities and closest friends, the ice bucket challenge has brought many laughs while still making a difference.

This holds true for the fitness world as well. Many bodybuilders and muscle-bound heroes have already participated in the ice bucket challenge (including a few of our Generation Iron alums). The movement has been catching like wildfire – so of course it may have been easy to miss a few ice bucket videos here and there. To help you catch up, we decided to put together the best muscle-bound ice bucket challenges that we could find.

Kai Greene – “Oh, S**t!”


Kai Green has always been a man of many words and fantastic theatrics, so it’s no surprise that he decided to accept the ice bucket challenge once called out. But what is a surprise – is how short and quick his ice bucket video actually is. Contained into just 15 seconds, Kai puts on his game face and quickly calls out his next victims before dumping the bucket right over his head. No wordy philosophical rants, no insightful meanderings, just two simple words as the ice cascades down his back – “OH S**T!”

Phil Heath – Fire(works) and Ice


Might as well keep the rivals back to back for this list. Phil Heath also took the ice bucket challenge on a nice summer night while fireworks shot off in the background. Unlike Kai Greene’s short but sweet video, Phil Heath actually took some time in the beginning to thoughtfully talk about ALS and how enthused he is that this challenge has spread so much awareness. The best part? Right after the ice gets poured on him, his voice suddenly stutters before he gets back on track with listing off his challenges. Looks like the ice water was a little colder than he thought.

CT Fletcher – Poor, Poor Doggie

First off, a quick warning – this video is NSFW. Fletcher takes his time to challenge fellow bodybuilders and fits a good amount of swears in between every other word. This is entertaining enough in itself – but things take a tragic turn when his faithful bull mastiff sits by his side and looks up at Fletcher with eyes full of love and affection. Little does he know the fate that is about to overcome him. The ice falls and the poor dog finds herself betrayed by her owner. Cold, wet, and surprised.

Dennis James – Ice On Top & Bottom

Dennis James thought to himself, “why just let gravity pull ice down over my head and my sides? Why not ice up my entire body!” To remedy this situation, James decided to stand in a big ol’ cooler of ice while he poured another cooler over his head. This way he can freeze his ass off from all sides!

Also a fun side note: Dennis James thinks this is called the, “ALS ice bucket, ice water bucket, ice bucket water whatever-you-wanna-call-it challenge.”

Flex Lewis – The “Mr. O No” and “Mr. O-Sheeet” buckets.

Here’s another person who thought it was important to improve upon the simple beginnings of the ice bucket challenge. Not only does he have his own regular bucket, dubbed “Mr. O bucket” – but he has a second bigger bucket called the “Mr. O No bucket” and then a gigantic trashcan called the “Mr. O Sheeet bucket.” Not only that, but he also uses his self proclaimed “high quality Florida ice.” Only the best for Flex Lewis.

Honorable Mention: The Patented JCVD Split Ice Bucket Challenge

Bianca Bree Van Damme (JCVD’s daughter) decided to pass down the Van Damme kickboxing split legacy when she did the ice bucket challenge. Not only that, but she was able to flash her flex as she got belted with that all that frozen goodness.


So there’s just a taste of some of the great muscle and fitness ice bucket challenges that we could find. Have you done the ice bucket challenge? Feel free to post your videos and challenge your friends in the comments section below or on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Jay Cutler Mr. OlympiaForget throwback Thursday – we’re feeling nostalgic today.

As well all know, the 2014 Mr. Olympia is so very, very close. We here at Generation Iron can’t contain our excitement. With less than a month away all we have is the Olympia on the brain. And we must not be the only ones – Flex Online recently posted up a handful of nostalgic picture featuring the 4x Mr. Olympia champion Jay Cutler after his 2009 title.

Since we have to bide our time before we actually get to see the pros grace the Olympia stage and show off years of hard work and dedication – the best we can do is look back and marvel at Olympia’s past. Here’s a taste of the photos that Flex posted:

Flex Jay Cutler 2009

Jay Cutler may have faded from the #1 spot today – but you can’t help but marvel at him in his prime. If you want to check out more of these old school photos, you can head over to Flex Online and check them all out here.

In only a matter of time – we won’t have to look back but can instead look forward to the current pros marking their place in history and in a few years from now we can look back at them with excitement and fascination.


Share your excitement for this years Olympia in our comments section, on Facebook, or on Twitter. You can keep getting updates on all things bodybuilding and fitness by stopping by every day. Stay pumped.


Generation Iron Arnold Schwarzenegger EveningA very special evening with Arnold Schwarzenegger this November.

The icon, the legend, the Hollywood action master himself will be providing an up close and personal event with his fans. That is, if you live in London. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be holding an intimate talk where he will give first hand accounts of his life, career, and experiences – ranging all the way from the Austrian Oak of bodybuilding to his rise as the California Governator.

What’s best is that this will not be a one time event – but be held three times in Leeds, London, and Wroclaw. There will be a special Q&A where the event promises that all his fans will be able to chat with the legend himself as well as have an opportunity to grab a photo with him. Fans will also have the chance to buy tickets for a meet and greet or – wait for it – a private dinner!

The event will be held by Rocco Buonvino, who has staged what they claim as, “some of the biggest global entertainment events, from sold out concerts to musicale theatre productions and bespoke events with superstar artists.”

Here’s a promo video – just in case you weren’t excited already:

If you are or will be in the UK during the month of November – you should definitely snag one of the tickets. You can find the info for all three events below:

Leeds, UK
November 14, 2014
Tickets on sale now

London, UK
November 15, 2014
General Sale starts 9/1/14

Wroclaw, Poland
November 17, 2014
Tickets on sale now


To purchase tickets and find out more info for the events, you can stop by Rocco Buonvino’s official website here.

Just imagine, a black tie private dinner with the Austrian Oak himself. How could things get any better? All of our UK fans can share their excitement in the comments below or on our official Twitter and Facebook pages. Hasta La Vista, baby.


Cover photo courtesy of Acero Rojo.


Generation Iron Recap August 22 2014A look back at the week of 8/22/14.

Well here we are again. Another Friday means another weekly recap here at the GI Nation. So take a seat, kick your feet up, and get ready for the weekend by catching up on all this bodybuilding news.

Top 6 Bodybuilding Rivals

If you didn’t catch it earlier today, we covered our list of the best bodybuilding rivals of all time. Rivals always push each other past their limits. Without each other, they may not ever reach the heights they ultimately achieve. And the best part? It’s damn fun to watch.

Best Bodybuilding Nicknames

Sometimes you don’t chose a name, the name chooses you. Bodybuilders have had a long tradition of adapting stage names – either by choice or given to them. Sometimes the name is fitting, sometimes it’s not. This week we put together what we think are the top ten best nicknames ever to take stage.

Work Those Shoulders Into Rocks

Guest contributor Geo Chang stopped by again to show us all a truly great back workout that can give you mammoth shoulders. If you missed it this week, you can check it out here and add it into your workout routine for next week!

Kai Greene Opens Up About his “BELIEVE” Seminar

On August 9th, Kai Greene gave his fans a treat with his unbelievable “BELIEVE” seminar (no pun intended). For six hours Kai opened up about his past, his inspirations, and gave motivational advice for the future generation. In case you couldn’t make it to New York, we got an exclusive interview right after the event that you can watch below.

Dallas Pro Results

Another week, another pro event completed. In case you haven’t gotten a chance to see all the results from the great IFBB Dallas Pro last weekend – we have the whole thing right here for you.

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle

One of the hardest things to do is lose fat without losing all that hard earned muscle. This week we talked about a few methods and tips on how to make this a reality. It might not be possible for everyone – but that doesn’t mean we won’t try!

Make Some Good Eats With This London Broil

On Wednesday we provided a little mid-week meal for to help mix up your strict bodybuilding diet. A mouth-watering London Broil with sweet potatoes. We know, we’re already hungry too.

Debunking the Top 5 Food Myths

Speaking of diets, sometimes all of these strict bodybuilding nutrition rules and regulations get over exaggerated over time. We talk about some food myths and whether or not they actually hold true.

Phil Heath Changing the Face of Bodybuilding

This week we took an in depth look into the social life of Phil Heath – and by that we mean his life using social media. Whether it be connecting with the fans, spreading bodybuilding news, or providing thoughtful insights – Phil Heath is providing an engagement that the rest of bodybuilding should follow.

R.I.P. Mike Matarazzo

Of course, this week also brought the tragic news of Mike Matarazzo’s passing. He was a tremendous person and a tremendous bodybuilder. We were very sad to report this news – but hope that his memory will live on through his family and the fans.


That about rounds up this week in the GI Nation. As always, you can check back with us every day for new articles and information about all things bodybuilding. Also check out our Facebook and Twitter too. Trust us, we don’t bite.


Generation Iron Kai Greene Quotes

Generation Iron Kai Greene Quotes

Inspirational words of wisdom from The Predator.

As many of you know, Kai Greene is more than just a massive bodybuilder at the top tier level of the IFBB. He is a visionary – expressing his dramatic thoughts and ambitions through various mediums. Whether it be his extravagant guest posing containing masks and custom costumes; his art projects, or simply sitting down with fans and holding a seminar that shares his voice with all his fans in an intimate setting. Kai Greene is motivational in more ways than one.

That’s why we decided to take a look at some of the most motivational quotes that Kai has shared through his interviews, seminars, and social media. We dare you not to get pumped up after hearing these 8 killer quotes from The Predator himself:

On the hero’s journey and contribution to future generations:

“There were no signs of a road.. nothing but shattered glass bottles and jagged rocks… My friends, this road at one point in time was created by one man.. one women in the hope that one day it would serve for a better purpose… Today that road has become a sidewalk with flowers and benches lining from side to side. The road has come into existence by the efforts of every traveler and the hope of that one individual.”

On the importance of drive:

“The most important thing necessary is desire.”

When words aren’t enough:

“If we could say it in words, there would be no reason to bodybuild, no reason to sing, and no reason to paint. I encourage you to ‘do something that words can not simply explain'”

On the beauty of the attempt:

“If your trying to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. “Forget failure”. If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again.”

On believing:

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”

On destiny:

“Anyone can train to be a gladiator. What marks you out is having the mindset of a champion. When you are destined for greatness, it shows in everything you do. It becomes you.”

On looking forward:

“Sometimes people with the worst pasts end up creating the best futures.”

Bodybuilding is more than just a sport – it’s a lifestyle and community. As important as competition and the desire to grow stronger are to the sport – what is also important is to inspire future generations to go forth and become the next greats. Kai does so with his words. Others may do it with action. But what is important is that we all share in this sport and this world as one. As Kai says it best:

“The bound of iron keeps us together.”


Do these quotes inspire you? Feel free to share your favorite bodybuilding quotes in the comments section below. We have a Facebook and Twitter too, if you feel like following us. Stay pumped!


Generation Iron Mike Matarazzo Calves“I train my calves the same as anything else—hard and heavy.”

It was a sad day on Saturday, August 16th to find out that Mike Matarazzo had passed away. To many, he will always be remembered for his incredible friendliness and humble acknowledgement of his fans. Or perhaps he will be remembered for the way he would stick out his tongue whenever he flexed his massive muscles. But to us, he will always be remembered for his immense and powerful calves. Mike Matarazzo may not have been the most perfect bodybuilder in history – but he had calves that would make even Mr. Olympia champions jealous.

To honor Mike Matarazzo’s life and spirit – we dug deep into the archives of Flex Online and pulled out Mike’s personal calf workout routine:

Standing Calf Raises – 4 x 10
Seated Calf Raises – 4 x 10
Toe Presses – 4 x 10

While the workout might be simple, there are some key notes that Mike shared so that you can maximize muscle gains in your calves. Mike Matarazzo claimed that he would train with the heaviest weight possible and would make sure that it was impossible for him to push past the 10 reps that he set for himself. He would often scream in pain for the last couple of reps – that’s how he knew he was getting the ultimate workout.

Always make sure to get full range of motion with your legs. This is key to getting that perfect calf shape you so desperately desire.

One last tip from the late calf master. He would always state that his extreme calves came from his background in boxing. That’s right, before Mike was a pro bodybuilder he used to train as a boxer. He remembers that his fellow boxers were always keeping on their toes during training and footwork. They would even walk on their toes to keep that perfect shape. While this might sound silly and might not work for everyone – this came straight out of Mike Matarazzo’s mouth – and you can’t argue with those results.


Even if you don’t desire to model your calves after Mike Matarazzo – make sure to do a few calf raises in his honor this week. We lost a great bodybuilder and even greater man. He will always be remembered in our minds and our heart. Feel free to share any of your favorite Mike Matarazzo memories in the comments – or express your well wishes on our Facebook and Twitter. You can read the entire breakdown of Mike’s calf fundamentals right here.


Photo courtesy of Steel Factor Forum.


Generation Iron Phil Heath By engaging his fans through social media, Phil Heath may be expanding bodybuilding.

In today’s age, information is passing quicker than ever. With computers, internet, and social media providing quick and instant access to anything across the world – there is no excuse to not be informed on current events and pop culture – and bodybuilding is reaping all of the benefits.

It’s a bit of an understatement to say that bodybuilding has grown over the past 30 years. What started a niche underground sport of dedicated fans has slowly exploded into a cultural phenomenon. This is thanks in part to films like Pumping Iron and Generation Iron. But there is one thing that has always held back the sport from gaining an even bigger mass appeal – access.

Major pro bodybuilding events don’t occur as frequently as, let’s say, a baseball game – and they are never televised – so it’s almost impossible for a casual fan of the sport to become more involved without an extreme amount of dedication.

This is where Phil Heath comes in. Through social media, Phil has created an engaging environment for all of his fans. Allowing for insider information, insights, and news to reach the masses every single day.

If you haven’t seen Phil Heath’s twitter page – we suggest you go follow him now. He literally tweets every fifteen minutes; ranging from random thoughts, bodybuilding news, and personal insights to his day to day workout schedule.

Not only does he generate excitement, he creates an environment where the fans can actually become involved in the sport – even if they can’t attend the competitions or expos. He responds to many fan questions – candidly, not like a promoter pushing his brand. He instead talks like a man who truly loves his sport and wants to share that love with everyone else who loves it as well.

After spending just a few minutes on Phil Heath’s twitter page, you suddenly feel like you know him personally. You feel as if you are hanging out with him in the gym or at a major event that is across the country and you just have no way to be there in person. Phil Heath takes bodybuilding and puts it into your living room, or smart phone, or anywhere that you have access to the internet. There’s that key word again: access.

Phil Heath is a gateway into accessing the infinite wonders and details of bodybuilding. The pieces that you miss out when you can only rely on monthly magazines or the next big event near your town. Most importantly, Phil Heath does it because he is truly excited and happy to be involved.

That’s what bodybuilding needs – constant engagement and excitement on a larger scale. Of course, magazines like Flex and Muscle & Fitness have been able to provide insight and news for years through their publications – and now provide news on their respective websites. But the sad truth is that there is not one specific place where you can get all of the latest bodybuilding news – only bits and pieces.

We need live streams of bodybuilding competitions. We need our star athletes to interact with fans on a broader level. We need an established online network that organizes all of the federations and divisions on a level that the NFL or MLB does with their official websites.

The most exciting part is that we are just at the start. With Generation Iron and The Vladar Company producing and broadcasting Mr. Olympia for the first time in 30 years and pro athletes like Phil Heath constantly and honestly engaging with the fans and the sport – bodybuilding could continue to grow to phenomenal levels.

The appeal to any sport is being able to feel like you are a part of something. The more that bodybuilding connects, interacts, and invites the fans – the more this new generation will continue to grow.

We can only hope that here at the GI Nation that we are doing our part.


Help us unite and engage the world of bodybuilding! Start a discussion in our comments section – or follow us on Twitter and Facebook to become a part of the GI Nation.


Generation Iron Top Food MythsNot every food is as it seems.

We have gone over and over about how important nutrition is to a bodybuilding lifestyle. It’s a tight balance of all the nutritional elements into one perfect diet for maximum muscle gain. There are a lot of do’s and don’ts when it comes to bodybuilding nutrition – but when such black and white statements are made – something gets lost in the middle. Like most things in life, there are never absolutes with anything. This goes for nutrition as well.

We’ve decided to look at some major staple foods of bodybuilding diets and figure out what is fact and what is myth.

Eggs and Cholesterol

Let’s start with an easy one. Eggs have and might always be an important part of bodybuilding nutrition. It’s an excellent source of protein, natural, and delicious. But eggs sometimes get a bad rap for bringing up your cholesterol levels. Is this true? Well not really.

Yes, there is cholesterol in eggs – but the dietary cholesterol that you find in them is very different when we are talking about cholesterol in terms of an individual’s health. In truth, the same word “cholesterol” is used to describe two different things: dietary cholesterol (fatty molecules in things like eggs) and body cholesterol (that stuff circulating in your blood that can cause heart problems).

Saturated and trans fats are the true contributors to high cholesterol – whereas the cholesterol you find in eggs does not actually attribute a whole lot towards pumping up that bad stuff in your bloodstream. That isn’t to say you should ignore the cholesterol content in eggs completely – we’re just saying that maybe you shouldn’t be as worried as everyone else is.

Here’s some more info if you’d like to learn more.

Milk Does Your Body Good… Or Does It?

We’ve been told ever since we were little kids that milk is the best thing for your bones. Calcium, calcium, calcium. The C-word that makes for tough bones and happy parents. But what happens when you get older? Should we still be drinking all that milk to keep our bones strong?

Sorry to all the milk lovers out there – but milk is missing one vital nutrient that helps promote bone health: vitamin K. Once our bones stop growing, vitamin K helps keep the bones strong and prevents bone loss.

So where’s a good resource for vitamin K? Dark leafy greens are best. Stuff like kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and scallions all have ample amounts of vitamin K to keep those bones nice and sturdy.

Are Salty Treats Really That Salty?

Always be mindful of sodium – all that salt will do terrible things to our bodies. But you’d be surprised at how much sodium is actually found in stereotypically salty snacks. Things like pretzels or potato chips. We aren’t saying that these are particularly healthy options – but there are far saltier foods that are packed with sodium that you may not expect.

Baked goods. Yes, they don’t taste salty but they are jam packed with processed sodium to make them taste good – even if they don’t taste super salty. So while you are out avoiding all those salty snacks; make sure to double check processed baked goods you eat too. You might be taking in more sodium than you thought.

Meat & Protein

So we all already know that bodybuilders need to take in a lot of protein. For most, this means a lot of meat – beef, chicken, salmon, etc. Many people believe that this is the only way to get the mass amounts of protein required to build muscle mass. But as we have been pointing out, it’s not always so black and white.

Vegetarians often get a bad wrap but the truth is you can find a decent amount of protein in non-animal products. A diet chock full of nuts, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables can include a sufficient amount of protein. Oatmeal mixed in with some hemp seeds can actually range somewhere between 20 and 25 grams of protein. This can actually end up with more protein than some (but not all) meat based products you throw into your meal.

And if you really want to add some protein and delicious taste to your oatmeal – you can add the next item on our list…

Peanut Butter can be a Secret Weapon for Bodybuilders

Peanut Butter is actually a great source of protein – but is often dismissed because of its high calorie content. While it is true that peanut butter has a ton of calories – if you weight out each serving and take careful care of how you balance your diet – peanut butter can provide a ton of great nutrients – and make your protein meals a whole lot tastier.

Some key things: it’s best to get all-natural peanut butter to prevent getting all of that greasy oil you find in commercial peanut butter. It is also can contribute some fiber into your diet – not a lot, but still an added benefit with the protein. On top of that, peanut butter can help reduce risk of heart disease and provide a reasonable source of vitamins and minerals. You can read all about it right here to get the details.

One other word of caution. Peanut butter is not a good source for carbs – which are also important muscle fuel. Like we said, peanut butter could be a great secret weapon to supplement your nutrition – but that doesn’t mean it’s the magic food you can scarf down in mass.


So those are just a few nutrient stereotypes that we decided to look into. There are probably a ton other foods that aren’t as bad or good as the public makes them seem. If you have any important ones you think we missed – let us know in the comments section below. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook to become a part of the GI Nation!