Generation Iron Workout Mistakes

Top bodybuilder training mistakes to avoid.

Going to the gym is one of the key components to bodybuilding. You hit the weights, work hard, and get results. You do this every week; every month; every year. All in the hopes of growing stronger, building that physique into your idea of perfection. But as you do this day in and day out – you start to get into a groove, a routine if you will.

Turning weight training into a habit is fantastic. When it becomes second nature it also becomes less of a chore – but what happens when you get into such a comfortable groove that you start to develop bad habits?

It’s very easy to lose sight of the mistakes you are making in a workout when it all becomes routine. Are you working out wrong? Let us help you find out by listing the top training mistakes that you should avoid.

Resting Too Long Between Sets

Generation Iron Rest

Sometimes it happens without you even realizing it. The rest between your sets are getting a little bit longer than they used to. Your daily workout is becoming so routine that you are losing a second here and a second there.

General consensus is that the optimal rest time between sets for maximal gains is around 30-90 seconds. Make sure you stick to that number or else you’ll start to notice that you aren’t getting the kind of results you are working so hard for.

GI Team
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