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WATCH: Bodybuilding Motivation – The Truth Behind Ambition & Willpower

Bodybuilding Motivation: Ambition x Willpower = Champion Mindset.

The first question you have to ask yourself when entering into the bodybuilding arena is this: do you have the vision to take your body to great heights? All of the hard work in the world means nothing if you can’t expand your mind to believe the possibility that you will be a mass monster champion. If you don’t believe you can be the best in the world – it won’t happen. These things don’t just fall into place by accident.

Our content partner Varyjer Motivation has put together the ultimate bodybuilding motivation video custom designed to spark your ambition and willpower, to essential re-wire your brain, so that you can become the best. The only thing that separates you from everyone else is your mind. Let that be your guide, not your enemy, towards a true transformation. Check it out above!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Varyjer Motivation’s official YouTube channel right here.

WATCH: Dennis James Discusses Whether Or Not Big Ramy Should Also Get A Special Olympia Invite

Cedric McMillan got a special Olympia invite – should Big Ramy as well?

Many fans were bummed to hear that Cedric McMillan got bumped out of the Olympia 2019 this year due to a lack of points – that issue was quickly remedied by the IFBB Pro League when they offered Cedric a special invitation to compete.

While this was great for fans who want to see Cedric up there, it also opened the floodgates for the obvious question – if Cedric can get a special invite, what about other athletes who’s talents surely deserve to be on stage?

Big Ramy is the top name that comes to mind. An athlete who would have surely made it into the Olympia qualifying list if a minor injury didn’t keep him out. The injury wasn’t enough to set him back from having a prepped physique for Olympia, but it was enough to keep him out of a qualifying show so that he couldn’t make the list.

Dennis James has chimed in with his thoughts after fans sent along this question to him on social media. Our content partner Fazi Fitness has put together the video above. What does the bodybuilding guru Dennis James think? Find out!

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

Frank Zane Discusses Bodybuilding Secrets and Helping Arnold Schwarzenegger

Frank Zane reveals some must-know bodybuilding secrets!

Saying Frank Zane is bodybuilding royalty is a bit of an understatement. Considered by many to have the greatest physique of all time, Frank Zane has built a reputation as being one of the true gurus of bodybuilding.

The former Olympia champion has famously been able to maintain the kind of physique one could only dream of well into his sixties and seventies. His achievements both in competitive bodybuilding and in spirituality has garnered him a tremendous amount of fans worldwide. To this day Frank Zane is an inspiration to young bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts hoping to obtain the greatest physique possible.

In a recent interview courtesy of Escape Fitness, Frank Zane revealed the secret to his success in bodybuilding as well as how he helped Arnold Schwarzenegger during their competitive days.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Nate Diaz Says UFC Wanted Him to “Vanish” After Conor McGregor Fights

Nate Diaz is returning to competition this weekend at UFC 241 against former lightweight  champion Anthony Pettis.

Since losing a split decision against Conor McGregor back at UFC 202 in August 2016, Nate Diaz has pretty much been a ghost, an apparition that, if you’re lucky enough, you just might be able to spot on TMZ.

Nate Diaz has been asking for big money fights ever since his record breaking bought against McGregor and has since sat on the sidelines. Now, Diaz is looking to get back to what he does best, put on an action-packed performance.

His opponent is no slouch either. Most recently Anthony Pettis shocked the world with a KO victory over Stephen Thompson, fighting in a weight class above his natural lightweight category. Both men have exciting styles and look for the finish in every bout, which should make for a pretty insane battle.

But before we get to that, we have to wonder why Nate Diaz was gone for so long.

Despite his star rising and becoming one of the most popular fighters in the UFC current day, Nate Diaz decided to spend three years on the shelf. The reason for that? He claims that after being screwed out of a victory over Conor McGregor in their storied rematch, he lost a bit of his passion for the fight game.

Since sitting on the sidelines, Nate Diaz has gone on to set up some side projects to ensure a prosperous future after finishing his tenure in the game. Diaz explains as much in his recent interview with Brett Okamoto for ESPN ahead of his bout with Pettis. Take a look at the video as Nate Diaz explains why he believes the UFC has tried to get him to vanish from public perception as well as how the organization has propped up Conor McGregor.

Will you be tuning into UFC 241?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

IFBB Phoenix Europa Games 2019 Results

Who landed the top spots under the burning sun of Arizona.

This weekend held the Phoenix Europa Games 2019 including a massive expo and an IFBB pro show for the Fitness division. The Fitness competitors battled it out under the blazing sun of Phoenix, Arizona – and now we have the official results below. Check them out!

Fitness Results

1. Sally Kendall-Williams
2. Terra Plum
3. Rene Brosch
4. Alison Amos
5. Alysha Cliff

WATCH: Ronnie Coleman Responds To Dexter Jackson And Others About His Weightlifting

Ronnie Coleman is never going to quit.

Last week, we released part 4 of our interview series with Dexter Jackson in which he touched upon Ronnie Coleman’s many surgeries and the fact that he still lifts like a bodybuilder. In the interview, Dexter stated that he thinks Ronnie should “let it go” and stop putting his body through so much weightlifting.

Of course, we all know Ronnie Coleman won’t stop – and he made a point to address Dexter Jackson and anyone else who believes that The King should stop lifting. In his recent Instagram post, Ronnie made it clear he won’t stop. In fact lifting is more important than eating and sleeping. It’s his life and no matter what happens bodybuilding will not be removed from it. Check out the post below:


View this post on Instagram


There’s nothing better to do on a Saturday night than have a nice back and biceps workout. Yeah I know what some of you are thinking and no I’m NEVER gonna quit working out. Working out is the best thing to happen to me all day. I would rather workout than eat or sleep. I’m coming up on year 43 when it comes to working out. I fell in love with this when I was 12 years old and I’ve never stopped since I started. So @mrolympia08 and all the rest of you guys, quit wasting your breath and your time commenting and giving out y’all’s lame ass advice about me quitting. Trust me I love you guys to death for being concerned about me but it’s not gonna happen. In closing I would like to say, oh yeah it ain’t over mulbuckers, once again it’s on like Ding Dongs.

A post shared by Ronnie Coleman (@ronniecoleman8) on

Content partner Williams Fitness has also chronicled the entire exchange in a video that you can watch above. If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to his official YouTube channel right here.

WATCH: Simple and Fast Bodybuilder Breakfast

Keep it simple so you can focus more on gains.

Oats, eggs and cheese… all in one pan. What’s not to like? Often times bodybuilding diets can get bland and repetitive – but you also don’t want to waste time and money thinking about new ways to really one up your meals.

That’s where this bodybuilder breakfast comes in. Quick, simple, tasty – and most importantly still perfect for a bodybuilder’s diet. Try it out yourself.

WATCH: Dorian Yates Gets Real About The Crazy Steroids In The 90s

Dorian Yates has seen it all during his bodybuilding career.

One of the most recognizable bodybuilders in the game, Dorian Yates is a six time Olympia champion who has seen it all. While bodybuilding may be what brought him to fame and notoriety, Dorian Yates has proven himself to be a very complex individual outside of the fitness industry.

Recently “The Shadow” guest starred on a podcast titled John Hodgson’s Bodybuilding Podcast. The video courtesy of the YouTube channel NAPA BODYBUILDING TV, Dorian Yates goes in depth about his bodybuilding journey as well as a host of different topics that has intrigued the bodybuilding great throughout his life.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

WATCH: The Reality Of Supplements In Bodybuilding

Bodybuilder Joseph Rakich talks about want vs need of supplements in bodybuilding.

The video above posted by Josef Rakich talks about two things – steroids and supplements. The two are very different but for some reason lumped together in this video. What he says about steroids have been talked about to death. Steroids are not needed for massive muscle – but used in bodybuilding to obtain the “freaks” that bring in crowds. We get it. But what about supplements. A gigantic industry that many fitness personalities and bodybuilders subscribe to… while others claim most of them are scamming us. They are tricking us into spending money on stuff we don’t even really need.

So what’s the deal? Do we really need supplements to train and shred and grow at peak levels? Or can we do it all naturally through food and diet? While not a revolutionary answer – Joseph breaks it down plain and simply in the video above. So for those of you unsure of whether you should be building the perfect supplement stack – check out the video and decide for yourself!

WATCH: Cedric McMillan Receives Special Olympia Invite Despite Not Qualifying

NPC News Online announces special Olympia invite for Cedric McMillan.

Earlier this week it was revealed that Cedric McMillan would not qualify to the Mr. Olympia 2019. This was due to a lack of points after competitors at the Tampa Pro earned high enough placings to bump Cedric down and out of the qualifying threshold.

Now NPC News Online has announced that Cedric McMillan would be receiving a special Olympia invitation – nulling the points system for Cedric an earning him a spot on the stage with his fellow competitors. This special invitation seems to come after Cedric McMillan sent a formal request to the IFBB Pro League stating that he was unable to compete in a bodybuilding show during the summer due to long duration military field training.

According to his formal request:

“I had planned to compete in one of the summer shows to solidify my position and to hopefully secure a qualification.  But my obligation to participate in several long duration field exercises would not allow the necessary access to food, training or rest required to properly prepare without neglecting my duty to my mission, my soldiers and my country.”

– Cedric McMillan

Check out the full details from Generation Iron’s very own Nick Trigili in our GI Exclusive video news update above.