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Nick Trigili: 4 Tips for Growing Season to Help You Pack on the Muscle

This article is the sole opinion of Nick Trigili. Generation Iron Brands LLC does not condone, support, or advocate any form of illegal drug use.

These tips will have you making some major gains during growing season!

Summer is almost over. That means the tank tops will go away, the sweatshirts will come out, and it’s growing season! We’re going to talk about the 4 main tenets of growing some big slabs of muscle:


The biggest factors to consider here are total calories and consuming enough protein. Beyond that, it’s up to you how you fill out your carbs and fats. The safe approach is to add 300 calories to whatever you’re eating now that’s not changing your weight and stick to 1g/lb bodyweight protein. If you’re eating 3500 cals right now and staying the same weight, up it to 3800. If you weigh 240lbs, consume 240g protein per day.

After you’ve stopped gaining weight on that amount of cals, increase it another 300. Do this repeatedly until the end of growing season. This is based on the concepts of basal metabolic rate, total daily energy expenditure, and muscle protein synthesis. Essentially, you need to eat enough to overcome the amount of energy you expend. That is a caloric surplus. By being in a caloric surplus with sufficient protein intake, muscle protein synthesis can occur at a maximal rate to allow for new muscle growth with minimal fat gain.


Lifting heavy weight for as many reps as you can with good form to act on the right muscles is the name of the game here. Stick to compound movements for chest, back, shoulders, and legs plus isolation movements for arms and calves. That includes bench press, shoulder press, bent row, lat pulldowns, squat, deadlift, and lunges basically plus calf raises, dips/extensions, and curls. Aim for a total set count of 15 sets per body part per session and try and beat your previous bests on either weight lifted or reps with the same weight. A sample program might look like:


Day 1 and 4:

Bench Press: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6

Shoulder Press: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6

Dips: 20, 20, 20

Tricep Extension: 20, 20, 20


Day 2 and 5:

Bent Row: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6

Lat Pulldown: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6

Face Pull: 20, 20, 20

Curls: 20, 20, 20

Day 3 and 6:

Squat: 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6

Deadlift: 10, 8, 4, 2

Leg Extension: 20, 20, 20

Leg Curl: 20, 20, 20

Calf Raise: 20, 20, 20


The Cycle

You are going to want a cycle that favors muscle growth, protects your joints, and allows maximal hunger (if you can’t eat enough it’s all for naught). Look to hire a coach or mentor that you trust to design this type of cycle while ensuring that your health is taken care of with regular blood work checks. My forum ProBBForum.com also allows a space for discussing this type of material.

Having a poorly designed cycle or one that scientifically does not make sense can and will hurt you more than it helps. There are tons of horror stories of guys injecting testosterone propionate once per week or using anadrol even though they can’t hold down one meal on it. Don’t let this be you. Approach this aspect intelligently and look to the experts for guidance.

Outside the Gym and Kitchen

You should be sleeping 8-10 hours per night. This is critical to allow your body to fully recover and grow that muscle you’re working so hard to earn. You should be drinking 1-2 gallons of water per day to allow your body to effectively absorb and utilize the nutrition you’re eating daily. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, you should be minimizing stress, which will go a long way in allowing your body the environment it needs to pack on the muscle.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Nick Trigili is a respected IFBB Pro bodybuilder and trainer. Check him out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more informative content. Also make sure to visit his official personal training website – World Class Trainers.

Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Happy Birthday to the GOAT! Arnold Schwarzenegger Turns 72 Today!

Happy Birthday to the greatest bodybuilder of all time!

Considered to be the greatest bodybuilder to ever compete, Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrates his 72nd year of life today!

While many people argue over who the greatest bodybuilder ever was, including eight-time Olympia winners Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger usually ends up at the top of the list and with good reason.

Arnold Schwarzenegger changed the game of bodybuilding during his competitive years. During his tenure as Olympia champion, Arnold Schwarzenegger was known for stirring the pot, intimidating his would-be rivals with psychological warfare as a means to get an edge. These psychological tactics were on full display in the iconic documentary Pumping Iron.

In the documentary, Arnold Schwarzenegger showcased his incredible work ethic, devotion to training and his ability to get inside the minds of his opponents which helped him to secure victory year after year. These elements coupled with his ability to pose on stage made him a formidable foe that few bodybuilders could contend with.

Now at 72 years old, Arnold Schwarzenegger has lived a storied life with major accomplishments such as his near five decade long acting career as well as his tenure as Governor of California. Arnold Schwarzenegger has certainly accomplished a great deal in 72 years. Establishing the Arnold Sports Festival and staying involved in fitness and bodybuilding shows that Schwarzenegger has always stuck to his roots and it’s why so many consider him to be the greatest bodybuilder in the history of the game.

Happy Birthday Arnold!

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

Header Image Courtesy of Instagram

WATCH: Will Shawn Rhoden Compete At The Mr. Olympia 2019 After All?

Shawn Rhoden is back in the gym – training as if he were to still compete at the Olympia 2019.

Okay everyone, it’s speculation time. As most of you already know, officially Shawn Rhoden is unable to compete at the Mr. Olympia 2019 at this time. This is due to very serious allegations of sexual abuse held against him. At this point, no court case has proven him innocent or guilty – but in the meantime he has been stripped of his ability to compete in the Mr. Olympia until proven innocent.

Yet now that Shawn Rhoden has posted bail and made an official statement on Instagram – he has gotten back into the swing of posting on his social media accounts. And what do we see? Flexatron is back in the gym and training just as hard as ever. Specifically stating in a recent post that he is “still in prep mode.” You can check it out below:

So what does this mean? As Shawn has stated in his official post on the allegations against him, he claims to be innocent. So of course, he is back in the gym and training as if he were innocent. It appears as if he is training with the hopes that the decision to ban him from this year’s Mr. Olympia will be reversed. If between now and September it is reversed… well he wants to be ready so he can win the Mr. Olympia again.

Content partner Williams Fitness has posted a video breaking down all of Shawn’s recent posts and Instagram stories – trying to explore just how confident Shawn is that he will be competing this year… and if perhaps he knows something that hasn’t been made public yet about his status at this years Mr. Olympia. Check it out above!

You can also take a deeper dive into the life of Shawn Rhoden in the new feature documentary, Flexatron: Becoming Shawn Rhoden – which is available now on all digital platforms right here.

If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Williams Fitness’ official YouTube channel right here.

WATCH: Bodybuilding Motivation – Sacrifice Is Part Of Your Life!

Bodybuilding Motivation: Become one with sacrifice to achieve greatness.

How much are you willing to sacrifice? This is often a question that must be answered by any athlete looking to become a champion. Sacrifice is necessary in order to stand tall among the rest. And that sacrifice can take many forms.

But don’t think that to become great one simply must make one or two sacrifices along the way, be done with it, and now you’re riding the wave to excellence. Far from it. In order to become a legend, you must make sacrifice a part of your life. Unfortunately, there are just too many things out there in the world and not enough time to accomplish them. Every time you step into the gym you make a choice – a choice to not be with family, or with friends, or with a girlfriend. Perhaps your not going to that party that seems like a lot of fun.

And in the bigger picture each of those choices might lead to bigger sacrifices. Maybe there’s no time to have kids and start a family, maybe you never met “the one” because your number one goal was becoming an Olympia champion.

We’re not saying any one of these things we listed off have to be sacrificed. Each person makes their own personal sacrifices. What we’re saying is – sacrifice is unavoidable in bodybuilding if you want to become the best. Whatever form that takes for each individual will vary – but one thing is absolute fact: sacrifice is unavoidable.

Varyjer Motivation has put together an epic bodybuilding motivation video detailing the nature of sacrifice and how a bodybuilding champion must embrace it. Check it out above! And if you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Varyjer Motivation’s official YouTube channel right here.

Transgender Powerlifter and Bodybuilder Janae Kroc to Once Again Compete

Janae Kroc is returning to bodybuilding.

In the last several years no news shocked the bodybuilding and lifting community like the story of Janae Kroc.

Born Matthew Kroczaleski, the powerlifter and competitive bodybuilder shocked the world with news that he identified as being gender fluid. It was a move that would impact the lifter’s career in the years since.

Now it appears Janae Kroc is looking to once again return to competing after taking time away from bodybuilding. According to a post on Instagram, Janae Kroc is looking to return to competitive bodybuilding in hopes of earning an IFBB Pro card.


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After much thought and discussion I have decided to return to competition. I will be working with Justin Harris @troponin_nutrition and my goal will be to obtain my IFBB pro card. This was the goal I was pursuing when I was outted in 2015 and it subsequently took a back seat to everything else that was going on in my life. I am a competitor by nature and without a specific goal to focus on my training since that time has lacked direction and intensity. Recommitting to this goal excites me and I’m looking forward to grinding away in the gym again like I was always known for. Above all else the main goal will be to bring my all time best to the stage, to be bigger and leaner than I have ever been. Since I’m certain many of you you are wondering and will be asking I’ll just address it now. I will be competing in the men’s division (notice I did not say “as a male”) and no this does not change the fact that I’m trans/genderfluid/nonbinary. This also says nothing about my beliefs concerning trans athletes and fair competition only what I feel is right for me. So along with everything else that I feel is important to talk about you can expect to see more posts regarding training, nutrition, and the like. #transgender #genderfluid #nonbinary #gendernonconforming #genderqueer

A post shared by Janae Marie (@janaemariekroc) on

What do you make of this turn of events for Janae Kroc?

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

BREAKING NEWS! Shawn Rhoden Gives New Official Statement!

The current reigning Mr. Olympia Shawn Rhoden makes a statement about recent allegations.

When news broke about the Shawn Rhoden sexual assault allegations, many individuals in the fitness world were taken aback. So many have written off Shawn Rhoden yet the case has yet to fully explored.

The court of public opinion is doing a number on the bodybuilding champ, but that isn’t stopping Shawn Rhoden from making a statement on the situation.

The Mr. Olympia champion has decided to take matters into his own hands regarding the sexual assault accusations being hurtled his way. Shawn Rhoden has decided to take to social media and offer a statement to his followers and to the world.


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Thank you for your continuing support . #WalkWithMe

A post shared by Shawn Rhoden (@flexatronrhoden) on

Rhoden’s legal representation, Rick Collins, Esq., is a lawyer who has been involved in the strength and fitness community for many years and has represented numerous amateur and professional bodybuilders on a wide array of legal problems all over the country. He is representing Shawn on the allegations made against him in Utah.

Both Shawn Rhoden and Rick Collins are seeking any additional help and information that could help their case. Specifically, they are asking for any witnesses who attended the 2018 NPC Utah Classic held in Salt Lake City to come forward. Below is a statement from Rick Collins addressing the situation:

The incident involving the criminal charges against Shawn occurred on Friday night, October 12th, 2018, during that weekend. The Host Hotel for the contest was the Courtyard by Marriott, located at 10701 Holiday Park Dr., Sandy, Utah. We ask anyone who was in the hotel lobby on that Friday night between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm to call me at 516-294-0300. Or to email me at [email protected]. We are particularly interested in anyone who observed Shawn during that time interval or anyone who has video or pictures taken in the lobby during that time. Please call me if you were there. If you know people who were there and might have taken pictures or video, encourage them to call me. Shawn and I greatly appreciate it.

Shawn Rhoden is still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Generation Iron will be sure to follow this story as further news develops.

Flexatron: Becoming Shawn Rhoden is available now! You can grab your digital copy by clicking here.

For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

WATCH: Dennis James Believes Neither William Bonac Or Neil Hill Are At Fault

Dennis James doesn’t see anyone at fault for recent William Bonac vs Neil Hill fight.

William Bonac made headlines recently due to his Instagram rant revealing he had fired Neil Hill as his trainer. During his rant he also attacked Neil Hill’s methods and called him a rip off. This opened the floodgates with many athletes, coaches, and fans picking sides as to who was in the right and who was in the wrong for this sudden beef.

Now that things have calmed down a little bit – Dennis James has turned to social media to give his take on the whole thing. He believes that no one is at fault and the fight was blown out of proportion. William Bonac knew the contract before he signed it and Neil Hill understands that people change, situations change, and athletes move on from their trainers.

You can watch the whole video above compiled here by Fazi Fitness. If you like what you see, make sure to subscribe to Fazi Fitness’ offiicial YouTube channel right here.

WATCH: Larry Wheels Addresses & Denies Physical Abuse Allegations

Larry Wheels releases video explaining and denying physical abuse allegations.

Last week, Larry Wheel’s ex-girlfriend, Chilasa King, released a video claiming that she had been physically abused by Larry when they were in a relationship together. She even played audio that seemed to back her claims. Larry had been silent in the immediate aftermath of these accusations – but now he has released a video explaining the situation and denying the allegations.

In the video, which you can watch above, Larry Wheels breaks down beat by beat the accusations against him and also explains the audio recording that Chilasa King revealed in her original video. He states that the video depicts a very aggressive and heated argument – but nothing more than that – and that later that night Larry asked Chilasa to leave only for her to refuse. She eventually picked up a knife so Larry called the police. Check out the whole video for yourself above.

Now we’ve heard both side of the story. Surely this will continue to develop as things move forward so stick around Generation Iron Fitness Network for more updates as they become available.

Lee Priest Vs Bodybuilding

Lee Priest Vs Bodybuilding Generation Iron



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Banned For Life

In the 1990s, Lee Priest was once a young, extremely talented, and promising professional bodybuilder heading straight for champion status and success. He was also an outspoken and blunt personality that broke many of the rules set by the professional bodybuilding league. After many fines and suspensions, Priest received a lifetime ban from professional bodybuilding. He has since made it his mission to speak his truth regarding the sport of bodybuilding and the professional league – earning him a label as the dark horse of bodybuilding. For the first time ever, discover the life story and details of how Lee Priest went from bodybuilding’s future to bodybuilding’s rebel.

WATCH: Kai Greene Explains Why He’s Maintaining His Muscle Mass And Conditioning

Kai Greene explains why he’s kept his beastly size.

Kai Greene hasn’t competed in a bodybuilding competition for quite some time now. Rather than focusing on the competitive side of bodybuilding, Kai Greene has been utilizing his other skills as a businessman to see great success off of the stage.

While he may not be competing, Kai has still maintained the muscle mass that made him so well regarded as a bodybuilder. Many have questioned why he has kept all of his muscle, why he simply doesn’t allow himself to shrink down to a normal size.

Well, it seems Kai Greene is set to address the issue and explain exactly why he’s maintained his size and conditioning despite not stepping onto stage. Take a look at the video courtesy of Fazi Fitness.

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