Tony Pearson’s incredible posing routines and uncanny resemblance to Michael Jackson made him a bodybuilding sensation
In this clip, bodybuilding experts and journalists such as the late Eric The Trainer and Jerry Brainum detail the rise of Tony Pearson from young bodybuilder into the “Michael Jackson of Bodybuilding.” Due to his resemblance to the pop star and his unmatched posing routines – Tony took the world by storm. You can watch the clip above!
Tony Pearson: The Michael Jackson With Muscles
Tony Pearson is an iconic bodybuilder in the history of the sport. This much is true due to his impressive list of champion titles and how fully formed his physique came into being at such a young age.
However, for many fans of bodybuilding both hardcore and casual – he is likely best known for his viral posing routines and photoshoots. Why? Because of his incredible resemblance to the pop star Michael Jackson. Eventually, Tony Pearson was dubbed the “Michael Jackson of Bodybuilding.”
This monicker was given to Tony Pearson due to more than his looks. Tony brought an unprecedented level of originality to his posing routines. To compare this to a more modern context, Tony Pearson crafted his posing routines into dance much like Kai Greene. While many bodybuilders simply hit their mandatory poses, stomped one leg, and waved at the audience for more hype – Tony incorporated dance and acrobatics into his posing routines.
Every aspect of his posing was considered as an art form. He ensured that his poses synced elegantly with his chosen music – to create a flowing performance. Beyond originality, this served another purpose. It allowed him to bring more focused attention onto his physique – which was somewhat smaller than some of his contemporaries as the mass monster era grew into popularity.
Through manipulation and originality – Tony Pearson’s posing routines highlighted the best of his aesthetic. It allowed for him to stand out among larger bodybuilders all stomping and flexing for the top spot.
Of course, Tony Pearson’s posing routines and resemblance to Michael Jackson also brought him more media attention outside of the sport. Photoshoots and magazine cover requests came pouring in – as he was promoted by the industry and by fans as “Michael Jackson With Muscles.”
From both a competition perspective and a branding perspective – this allowed Tony Pearson to stand out from the crowd. Despite running into controversy with the bodybuilding leagues later in his career – he will forever be known in bodybuilding history for his iconic physique and his Michael Jackson monicker.
DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story Synopsis
Tony Pearson was once called the “Michael Jackson of Bodybuilding” due to his appearance and incredible posing routines. He became an icon that helped define professional bodybuilding in the 1980s.
Now Tony enters his final competition at the age of 63 while also recalling the harrowing child abuse that led to his inner, and ultimately outer, strength. DRIVEN shows how a person can rise above their situation and be stronger physically, mentally and spiritually… simply by picking up a weight.
How To Watch
DRIVEN: The Tony Pearson Story will be available October 6th, 2023 on all major digital platforms including Apple TV, Amazon Video, Google Play, VUDU, and Vimeo on Demand. You can pre-order the film today right here or by clicking the banner below.