Strength Wars Movie

Two comebacks pitted against each other.

Last year, Kevin Levrone got everyone’s attention by announcing an Olympia comeback in 2016. There was a lot of hype and talk and ultimately Kevin landed last place in the men’s open Olympia competition. He still looked fantastic for his age but was unable to take down any of the younger competitors.

This year Flex Wheeler announced his Olympia comeback – and while it will be in the Classic Physique division rather than Men’s Open, much of the same hype has been building as we await next month’s big competition to arrive.

The video above by Bodybuilding For Life decided to take comeback footage of both these legends and compare them for a dream matchup video. Kevin Levrone vs Flex Wheeler comeback special if you will. Who do you think stands taller? Watch the video above and let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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